
   Peter在飞机上遇到Wang Lin。Peter主动和Wang Lin交谈,两人一见如故。英语情景会话

  (以下W代表 Wang Lin, P代表Peter )
  P: Hi. I don't think we've met before. My name is Peter. I'm very delighted to meet you.
  W: Nice to meet you, Peter. I'm Wang Lin.
  P: So, where are you from? I think you are from China.
  W: Well, originally I'm from China, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old. I am going to Beijing to meet my grandparents. What about you?
  P: I was born in France, and we lived in Paris until I was seven. Then, since my father worked for the military, we moved all over the place. And I go to Beijing to visit my friends.
  W: Oh yeah? What are some of the places you've lived? Did you live in China?
  P: Yes, we lived in China three years ago. I've heard Beijing has changed a lot.
  W: Yeah, I can guide you to see the new Beijing.
  P: Really?
  1.此处出现消音现象,delighted to 读作/d??la?t? t?/。
  2.going to 表示“打算做某事”时,常会音变为 gonna.
  3.此处 did you 发生了同化而变音,读作/d??/。
  4.Twenty-four Seven 这里指“全天候陪同”。
  did you, did I,did we, did they, did he, did she, did it的读法
  Did you live in China中的did you读成了/d??/,其实did本身并没有弱读形式,但由于与后面的弱读人称代词相连,在口语较快的语流中就发生了同化而变音。类似的情况还有:
  Did I/d-a?/(音标中的一表示短暂停止)have that?
  Did we /d?w?/ start at morning?
  Did they /d?ee?/come?