NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-09-26(在线收听

 Iran's newly elected centrious president appears be holding an all over branch speaking to an   before UN genceralasemblely.Hassan saying Iran is open to talks with ousted many differences.

Islamic public have been warning insisting on the implementation of     is prepared to engage immediately in time down and result all inter talks built mutual confidence and remove all mutual ungers uncertainities with full transpancey.
President Obama is set ot meet todau with Mahani,but the Iranians cancled saying it was too complicated as going to see     administration officials.
GOP senator Ted Cruis has been speaking for hours on the senate floor opposition the president's health care law filibuster.Cruis tried to lay action on stop scape spending keep the government operating.Senate democratic are pledging to remove from the bill for     funding for the health care law. NPR's Craig Windor reports senate's top republican Miche Michal opposes the laying tactic.
Micano says the fulibuster is a bad idea.
'I just don't happen to think failbuster the bill defound the Obama care is the best road defounding Obama care,all it does is shut down the government'
And senate majority leader Harry says the American public is understandablely worried about the possible government shut down.
'The business community is gravely concerned about the impacts of shut down the economy and middle class Americans are really upset and concerned.'
Rid says the business round table and organization of corpreate ceo has written to members of congress saying even a brief government shut down would have serious concequences for the economy.Craig Windorm,NPR News,Washingdon.
The senate has for the first time confirmed an openly gay person for federal judgeship.NPR's Nid reports the vote was unanimous.
I voted 98 to nothing,the senate confirmed Tam at  top career justice department laywer to the appeal's court for the federal sercate,That leaves 13 judicial nominations pending on the senate floor,11 of them proved unanimously by the senate judicial committee.Since the beginning og Obama administration, republicans has slow walk even non controversial judicial nominees while president Obama has been slowed fill vacances.With the confirmation refuse, there are 91 vacant federal judgeship,president Obama has sent the senate 49 nominations leaving nearly half without nominees.NPR News,Washing.
Consumers are a bit less optic this month in terms of where  they believe the economy headed as going to the conference board the NY based research group, the board says monthly confidence index was down just over 2 points in september from the previous month.It seems last a bit in terms of higher in what came to pain of the next 6 months.
Next close on Wall street today, the don jones industry leverge was down 66 points,the nasdaq gain 2 points.You are listening to NPR News in Washingdon.
Authority in Calarado say they now have been contacted by 6 people listed as missing and uncontactedful after a tense flooding began earlier this month. Offiical   sherf department say authority were able to make contact with individuals after their names were made public,highlight the flooding as many as thousand are uncontactedful one point,official say the death toll from the flooding now stands at 8 with one person still missing and presuming dead.Flooding was started sep 12th,damaged nearly 2000 homes miles high way and 50 bridges in the state.
Native American child known as baby Woranic has left Oklahama with her adopted parents,NPR's Hace reports the 4 year old girl has been in the center of long winning custerdy baral which the US supreme court this year.
4 years ago,babay Woranic's biological mother gave her for adoption to a white couple on south Calarado,her biological father who is sherky chance the adoption under the indian shell weafare act law passing 1978 to keep American-Indian children with their family.But the US supreme court ruled the law does not apply because 's father had given up perental right before she was born. Now law court clear the way for Waronia to return south Calarana with her adopted parents.One of their attorneies Lara says their clients are looking forward to the end of the long indrna chapter with their daughter. ''Finally they will be home as a family'.The sherky's attorney general says he tried Waranic's biological father are considering other legal actions to regain custudy.Hans,NPR News.
  lines has posed a double digit decline in profit first latest quater.The Miami based cruis lines exprienced the     last year after 3 of ships suffered makanic problems.Some incidents passengers in cruis spend days drift in sea.
I am Jack Spiro,NPR News in Washingdon. 