《神奇树屋》 第十七册 Tonight On The Titanic 07 The Gift(在线收听

       The lifeboat was waiting to go down. It looked tinyas it swung on cables at the side of the big ship. Thewater below looked black.

"Get in! Get in!" a uniformed man shouted.

"No, no," said William. He hid his face againstLucy's coat.

Lucy was shaking her head.

"I'd rather stay here," she said to Jack and Annie.

Jack understood. The brightly lit Titanicseemed so solid and safe compared to the littlelifeboat.

"You can't stay here," said Annie. "The Titanic isgoing to sink soon.""Very soon," said Jack.

Lucy kept shaking her head. Jack saw tears in hereyes.

"Lucy, we're telling the truth," said Jack. "You andWilliam are in great danger.""You have to be brave now," said Annie. "For yourbrother's sake."Lucy straightened up and tried to smile. "All right,"she said. "I will.""This way!" a man called. "Women and children!

This way, you four!"He pointed at them.

"Get in, " said Jack. He gently pushed Lucy andWilliam forward.

"Good-bye, Lucy," said Annie. "Good-bye, William."Lucy looked surprised.

"You're not coming?" she asked.

"No, we're going home another way," said Annie.

"Oh, dear," said Lucy. "I hope you'll be safe.""We will. Don't worry!" said Jack. "Wait, " saidLucy.

She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out asilver watch on a chain.

"This is a gift for both of you," she said. "It's ourfather's watch. We carried it on the voyage for goodluck. I have a feeling that the two of you were ourgood luck tonight."Jack looked at the watch as Lucy put it aroundAnnie's neck.

The time on the watch was 1:50.

There were only thirty minutes left! "Hurry, hurry!"he said.

Jack and Annie watched as a big man picked Lucyup and swung her into the little boat. Then he pickedWilliam up and put him in Lucy's lap.

"Bye!" cried Annie. She stepped forward to blow akiss.

Just then, the man picked Annie up. "No!" shoutedAnnie.

"Into the lifeboat, my dear!" the man said. And hetossed Annie into the lifeboat.

"No! No!" cried Jack.

Then the man reached for him, too. Jack jumpedaway just in time.

"Annie!" he yelled. "Get out!"Annie tried to climb out of the lifeboat.

"Let me out!" she cried.

"Arf Arf!"Teddy barked from over Jack's shoulder.

The lifeboat jerked. It started creaking down towardthe dark, cold sea.

"Come back!" Jack called.

But there was nothing he could do as Anniedisappeared from sight.
