

US Hopes to Gain al-Qaida Intel from Libya Suspect 美国希望从利比亚嫌犯嘴中获得基地组织有价值情报

PENTAGON — U.S. officials hope to learn more about how al-Qaida operates and its plans for future attacks as they interrogate Abu Anas al-Libi, a Libyan seized by U.S. commandos during a raid in Tripoli Saturday.  

Abu Anas al-Libi was indicted in a New York federal court in the year 2000 for his alleged role in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.


Now, U.S. officials say he is detained on a U.S. Navy ship in the Mediterranean and is expected to be tried in a U.S. federal court rather than in Guantanamo, where other terror suspects have been held for years without trial.  


Jennifer Daskal, a law professor at American University who has written about the Guantanamo proceedings of other suspects, says not sending Abu Anas to the U.S. naval base in Cuba could mean the process will be faster.  


“The federal courts have an established record.  They're capable of handling these cases.  They're credible. There's not the endless challenges and questions about issues related to jurisdiction, issues related to attorney client privileges, issues related to what kinds of evidence comes in, that bedeviled the military commissions since their start," said Daskal.

“联邦法院有既定的记录。他们有能力处理这种情况。他们是可信的。对于相关管辖权,律师客户特权,何种证据涌入没有无休止的挑战和质疑, 自创立之时就相信军事委员会。”达斯卡说道。

U.S. commandos seized Abu Anas from his car on this street in Tripoli Saturday.  


With the indictment already complete and much of the evidence gathered, Daskal says the U.S. is seeing what he can tell them about al- Qaida.  

起诉书已经准备妥当,证据也已经收集了许多, 达斯卡表示美国对于他可以透露关于基地组织的情报拭目以待。

“My guess is that they've employed what's known as the high value interrogation group that's comprised of experts from the FBI, from the Department of Defense, to use their expertise and use their knowledge to gather as much intelligence, as much actionable intelligence from Mr. al-Libi as quickly and in the most effective way possible," she said.


At about the same time that U.S. special forces seized Abu Anas, American commandos tried but failed to capture Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir - also known as Ikrima - a top commander of al-Shabab in Somalia.  The group was behind the recent attack on Nairobi's Westgate mall.  


The U.S. says Ikrima is a close associate of those behind the 1998 embassy bombings.


Pentagon officials say the two operations were not related.  But analysts say they were launched almost simultaneously in order to prevent the militants from preparing for the attack. 

