VOA英语教学:美语训练班 113(在线收听

   A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

  B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,来告诉大家今天都要学什么!
  A: 嗯! 今天,我们一起来看看美国人怎么一起过白色圣诞,看看如何说时断时续,还要带你来看最流行的环保产品!
  B: Christmas is my favorite holiday! There's great food, presents, and most importantly you get the chance to spend time with you family! Talking, watching TV, eating food and opening presents...To me that's what Christmas means -family time.
  A: 没错! 好了同学们,我们等会再来讨论圣诞的传统,现在,我们赶快先来进入第一个单元....
  B: Learn a word!
  Learn A Word 1780 eco-friendly
  今天我们要学的词是eco-friendly. eco-friendly is spelled eco, e-c-o, friendly, f-r-i-e-n-d-l-y, friendly, eco-friendly. Eco-friendly 有利环保的。2011年的一项研究显示,Forty seven percent of travelers will take eco-friendliness into consideration when booking a vacation. 百分之47的游客在预定渡假地时,都会把旅游区设施是否环保的因素考虑进去。如今,环保已经成为一种时尚。除了节水,省电,废物再循环使用外,Growing your own fruits and vegetables is a great way to be eco-friendly. 自己种水果,蔬菜也是环保的好办法。好的,今天我们学习的词是 eco-friendly, eco-friendly, eco-friendly...
  B: Being eco-friendly is important, and it can be fun too!
  A: 没错! Remember Bike to Work day? People seemed to be having a lot of fun! 既保护了环境,还能减肥! Mike, you should seriously consider doing it more often....
  B: Ugh...there she is, I was wondering where the real Yanglin was hiding...At least I can ride a bike! Unlike some people I know!
  A: I swear I learned how to ride a bike when I was little! But I only rode on again, off again.. and the result is not that pretty. They say that once you know how to ride a bike you will never forget, I'm the walking proof that's a lie.
  B: Wouldn't that be "riding proof"? (laughs) Ok Ok....you mentioned an interesting term, "On again, off again" let's check it out in today's words and idioms!
  Words and Idioms 847 ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN
  美国习惯用语第 847 讲
  M: On again, off again. Again is spelled a-g-a-i-n. On-again, off again.
  On again, off again 这个习惯用语的意思是断断续续的。就好象我毕业后跟大学室友的联络一样,on again, off again. 时断时续。下面例子里的这个远足爱好者打算退出自己的远足俱乐部,让我们听听他是怎么想的。
  M: "I'm thinking of dropping out of my hiking club. It's not that I don't like getting out and exploring some of the great trails in the area. But one month there might be an outing every week, then the next there's only one. I'd prefer a schedule of hikes that's not so ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN."
  这倒让我想起了我妹妹的那些男朋友,也许是因为她住在加州,那里的男人更不愿意安定下来吧,她每次交男朋友,都是几个月的热度,然后男方就会失去兴趣,但又藕断丝连,过一段时间又回来给她打电话,让我妹妹十分苦恼。这种 ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN 时断时续的交往方式并不适合她。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。
  M: "I'm thinking of dropping out of my hiking club. It's not that I don't like getting out and exploring some of the great trails in the area. But one month there might be an outing every week, then the next there's only one. I'd prefer a schedule of hikes that's not so ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN."
  M: "The last neighborhood committee never got much done. Perhaps it was because of all the ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN meetings they had. But now, the new leaders get together regularly. As a result, they've been able to improve public safety, organize civic events and accomplished a lot that's made our area a nicer place to live."
  M: "The last neighborhood committee never got much done. Perhaps it was because of all the ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN meetings they had. But now, the new leaders get together regularly. As a result, they've been able to improve public safety, organize civic events and accomplished a lot that's made our area a nicer place to live."
  大家猜猜看,这个习惯用语是怎么来的?有些语言学家说, on again, off again 这个习惯用语最早是指那些并不严重的火车事故,因为火车刚刚出现的时候,经常会脱离轨道,过一会儿又会自己重新回到轨道上去,因此就有了 on again, off again 的说法。
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: My contact with my best friends from college is on again, off again. 但是每次我们一见面,都有说不完的话! I guess true friendships are like that, they aren't faded by time or distance.
  B: That's true. My best friend is in Australia right now, and last year I visited him during Christmas! Man it was nice! It was Christmas but in the summer, we just sat on the beach and enjoyed summer drinks!
  A: Oh yeah, In Australia Christmas is in the summer! That's....intriguing! Actually, as long as you are with people you care about, it would be a great Christmas holiday.
  B: In today's business etiquette, we will go take a look at how American families celebrate Christmas! Let's check it out!
  礼节美语 Christmas in America Part I
  来自中国的雇员 Dana 跟同事 Charlie 聊天儿,说自己要去美国朋友家过圣诞节。
  Dana: Hey Charlie, you're from Boston right?
  C: Yeah, I'm from Newton. It's a suburb of Boston.
  D: I'm going to be visiting your hometown for Christmas.
  C: Really? Boston is beautiful at Christmas time. Maybe you'll get to experience a real white Christmas! Are you going there for business?
  D: Actually, I was invited by an old friend of mine. He was an exchange student in Beijing in the 1980s. We've known each other for over 20 years now.
  Dana 要到 Charlie 的 hometown 家乡 Boston 去过圣诞节。波士顿是美国东北部的大城市,冬天经常下大雪,所以 Charlie 说,Maybe you'll get to experience a real white Christmas. 没准你能体验一下真正的白色圣诞节呢!Dana 说,自己不是去波士顿出差,not for business, 而是去看一个认识很久的老朋友。
  C: I see. So you're going to hang out with your friend for the holidays?
  D: Yes, but I'm a little nervous.
  C: Why would you be nervous?
  D: Because I'm going to be staying with his family. I've never experienced an American Christmas. What if I say or do the wrong thing?
  C: Oh...there's nothing to worry about. Christmas is a time of goodwill. People are supposed to forget about any differences and be nice to each other. Usually every one is in a really good mood.
  跟老朋友 hang out 一块儿过节,为什么还会紧张呢?原来,Dana 担心自己不了解过圣诞节的风俗,会说错话,或是做错事。Charlie 安慰她说,没什么可担心的,因为 Christmas is a time of goodwill. 圣诞节是展现友好的时候。大家一般心情都很愉快、平和。Usually everyone is in a really good mood.
  D: So give me a basic rundown. What are the Christmas traditions?
  C: Each family is different, but basically you just go with the flow. If your friend's family is religious they might go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.
  D: I've never attended a church service before...that sounds interesting.
  C: The singing and music can be quite beautiful, but many American families just hang around at home on Christmas   talking, watching TV, eating food and opening presents.
  Dana 让 Charlie 给她简单讲讲美国人过圣诞节都有哪些传统,a basic rundown of the Christmas traditions. Rundown is spelled r-u-n-d-o-w-n, rundown, 意思是概要。Charlie 说,每个家庭都不一样,教徒一般圣诞前夜或是圣诞节早上会去教堂,但是很多美国家庭就待在家里,聊天、看电视、吃东西、拆礼物。他建议 Dana, Basically you just go with the flow. 客随主便就对了。美国人过圣诞,还有哪些传统呢?我们下星期继续听。
  A: Dana请Charlie给她a basic rundown of the Christmas traditions, 简介圣诞节的传统。Charlie说,Christmas is a time of goodwill,是大家展现友好的时候,除了去教堂,就是家人在家团聚, basically you just go with the flow,客随主便就对了。
  B: True. I invited some of my Chinese friends to my parent's house for Christmas when I was in college. It was so much fun introducing them to all of my family's Christmas traditions!
  A: Yeah...I think Christmas is the toughest time for me during the year, since I always miss my family so much!
  B: Aww....well, if you are up for it, you can join my family for Christmas this year!
  A: That's so nice of you! 一言为定! Let's keep listening to Charlie and learn more about Christmas traditions!
  礼节美语 Christmas in America Part II
  来自中国的雇员 Dana 跟同事 Charlie 聊天儿,说自己要去美国朋友家过圣诞节,请 Charlie 给她讲讲美国人过圣诞的习俗。
  D: Would you say Christmas is the most popular American holiday?
  C: Definitely. It's a really big deal. Most people don't work on that day, and if you ask someone to work you have to pay them a lot of overtime.
  D: Should I bring presents for all of his family members?
  C: That's probably not necessary because you're a guest. You could bring a small souvenir or something from China for them. But one tradition is to bring a nice bottle of wine.
  圣诞节是美国的重要节日。Charlie 说,It's a really big deal. 意思是说圣诞节确实非常重要。大家都放假,让人加班,得付很多加班费。you have to pay them a lot of overtime. overtime 是加班费的意思。去朋友家过圣诞节,要给每个人买礼物吗?Charlie 认为不用,只要带个中国纪念品就行了。但是美国人去朋友家作客,有带葡萄酒的传统。
  D: Is there a lot of drinking during Christmas?
  C: It depends on the family, but I'd say most people probably do enjoy alcoholic drinks. Have you ever tried eggnog?
  D: No, what's that?
  C: It's an alcoholic drink that sort of tastes like egg custard. It's sweet and warm and perfect for the cold winter season.
  D: Sounds delightful. What's the traditional menu?
  Charlie 说,美国人过圣诞节,most people do enjoy alcoholic drinks, 大多数人都喜欢喝一杯,其中一种很普遍的酒精饮料叫 eggnog, eggnog is spelled e-g-g-n-o-g, eggnog, 味道甜甜的,温温的,适合天气冷的时候喝。圣诞节有什么传统菜肴吗?
  C: Probably roast chicken. During Thanksgiving most people eat turkey. Actually, we Americans eat way too much food during the holiday season. When New Year comes around, everybody makes a resolution to lose weight!
  D: Are there fireworks or any kind of public events?
  C: Not really. Usually in the town center there's a huge Christmas tree. All the streets are lined with Christmas lights...it's really quite pretty.
  Charlie说,圣诞节很多家庭会吃烤鸡。他还说,美国人过节总会吃很多东西,we Americans eat way too much food during the holiday season. 所以新年一到,大家都会立志减肥。Charlie 还说,美国人过圣诞节,一般不放烟火,但是市中心往往会有一棵特别高大的圣诞树,街道两边也都是圣诞节的彩灯,充满节日气氛。美国是不是所有人都庆祝圣诞节呢?我们下星期继续听。
  B: That's true! I always over eat at Christmas.
  A: You sure you only overeat at Christmas? (B: you...) Kidding kidding! Yeah things are the same in China! 春节7天猛吃,春节后开始减肥!
  B: That's the holiday spirit. Calories doesn't count on Thanksgiving or Christmas.
  A: Exactly! All right, let's move on with our class. Let's listen to another learn a word!
  Learn A Word 1782 virus
  今天我们要学的词是virus. Virus is spelled v-i-r-u-s, virus. Virus 病毒。The head of the WHO warned the world of a new virus named MERS-CoV, which is found in Saudi Arabia. 世界卫生组织负责人对一种在沙特阿拉伯发现的病毒向全世界提出警告,这种新病毒被命名为MERS-CoV病毒。The WHO has yet to learned how the new virus spreads, making it difficult to prevent infections. 世界卫生组织尚未研究出这种新病毒的传播方式,这就给预防传染增加了难度。The WHO is calling on all nations of the world to pull together their resources to study and tackle this new virus. 世界卫生组织呼吁世界各国集合资源,共同研究征服这种新病毒。好的,今天我们学习的词是 virus, virus, virus...
  A: That's why I choose to use a Mac. Since there are so few viruses for Macs, I don't have to worry about my personal information getting stolen.
  B: Identity theft is a big deal these days. You can't be overly careful when you use online banking.
  A: Exactly, the Internet is so convenient because it has tons of information on tap. But at the same time, it makes us more vulnerable to hackers!
  B: And you just mention the idiom for our next segment: On tap. Let's check it out!
  Words and Idioms 848 ON TAP
  美国习惯用语第 848 讲
  M: On tap. Tap is spelled t-a-p. On-tap. On tap.
  Tap 有水龙头的意思。On tap 这个习惯用语的意思是可以随时使用的。就像刚才说的,上周末一直晴朗无云,with lots of sunny weather ON TAP,我充分享受了户外活动的乐趣,又收拾花园、又去钓鱼、还跟朋友在公园里野餐。下面例子里一群志愿工作者为了一项有意义的事业而走到了一起。让我们一起听听他们做了些什么。
  M: "When members of our church suggested holding an amateur talent show to raise money for charity, many of us were skeptical. But we were soon overwhelmed by all the people who volunteered, from singers to musicians, magicians to jugglers...Looking at all the performers we now have ON TAP, we could put on two shows!"
  我妹妹住的地方不久前遭水灾,附近很多人都赶去救灾,there was no shortage of help ON TAP. 前来帮忙的人源源不断,让那个城镇没有蒙受严重的损失。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。
  M: "When members of our church suggested holding an amateur talent show to raise money for charity, many of us were skeptical. But we were soon overwhelmed by all the people who volunteered, from singers to musicians, magicians to jugglers...Looking at all the performers we now have ON TAP, we could put on two shows!"
  M: "The website I created for my local library has been a great success. Finally, patrons are linked to a variety of services, can locate and reserve books and other resources, and learn about sponsored events. They appreciate having so much information ON TAP; it's all readily available with just a few clicks of the mouse."
  也许我表姐应该办个网站。她虽然是一名很出色的艺术家,但却没有多少固定的客户。She doesn't have many clients ON TAP. 我想,如果她通过互联网的方式推销自己,一定会有很大的帮助。好的,我们再来听一下上面那个例句。
  M: "The website I created for my local library has been a great success. Finally, patrons are linked to a variety of services, can locate and reserve books and other resources, and learn about sponsored events. They appreciate having so much information ON TAP; it's all readily available with just a few clicks of the mouse."
  On tap 这个习惯用语最早是十九世纪中叶出现的,指某种饮料,比如说啤酒,可以随时从酒桶里倒出来。
  凡是我们的忠实听众都知道,虽然我不能提前预告下次要教的习惯用语,但是大家不用担心,We have plenty of words and idioms on tap. 我们有足够多的习惯用语可以跟大家分享。
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  B: Ugh, I wish my parents didn't have so much good food on tap during the holidays.
  A: I'm sure they wish you wouldn't eat all their good food during the holidays..........
  B: Wha??? Yanlin, you finally had the last laugh!
  A: 当然! 好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。
  B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!
  A: See you next time!