听播客学英语 264 受伤(在线收听

   To hurt someone normally means to cause them pain, for example by hitting them.

  But it can also mean to offend someone, to hurt their feelings. In the last
  episode, Kevin complained about Joanne’s mother coming to lunch. Joanne was
  hurt – Kevin had hurt her feelings.
  Here is Alastair. He has a joke about two old women visiting a fair.
  Hilda and Marjorie went to the fair. They had a ride on a roundabout, and threw
  balls at the coconuts (but they didn’t win anything). Then they saw the big
  wheel. They saw people getting into little cabins at the bottom of the wheel,
  and then riding high into the air as the wheel turned round. From the top it
  was possible to see all over the fairground and over the countryside around.
  Hilda and Marjorie were nervous about going on the big wheel. It seemed so big,
  and at the top the little cabins were a long way from the ground. But Hilda
  said, “I’m going to have a ride. You stay here.” So Hilda bought a ticket, and
  went and sat in one of the little cabins. The wheel turned round – once, twice,
  three times. Then something terrible happened. The cabin in which Hilda was
  riding started to come loose from the wheel. Hilda fell out of the cabin and
  hurtled to the ground. Marjorie ran to where Hilda had fallen. “Oh Hilda, are
  you hurt?” she cried. “Of course I’m hurt,” said Hilda. “I went round three
  times and you didn’t wave to me once!”
  Our music today comes from Marc Raaphorst, with a piece called “My Head Hurts”.
  Excuse me while I find the asprin.