学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1875 grope for(在线收听

1875 grope for

今天我们要学的词是 grope for. Grope for, 探索。美国急需提高债务上限以避免破产,Both sides of congress groped for a possible solution as concerns over the need to raise American’s $16.7 trillion debt ceiling increased. 民众关注美国需要提高16.7万亿美元借债上限,国会两党探寻解决方案。上周美国政府部分关闭,I groped for a candle in the darkness when there was a blackout. 停电的时候我在黑暗中摸着找蜡烛。好的,今天我们学习的词是grope for, grope for, grope for.
