美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-01-23(在线收听

 A big night tonight as Washington gets ready for an even bigger day tomorrow, as many as 800,000 people expected. Tomorrow morning, President Obama will make the journey from the White House to this end of Pennsylvania Avenue. Up here to Capitol Hill. Then at noon, on the capitol of west front, he will rest one hand on a pair of historic bibles, raised the other and ushering his second term. He is going to address the crowd, of course, and the nation and the world, be paraded, serenaded, honored with receptions and welcomed into the history books. But for the first time in a long time, the first time since the Ronald Reagan second inauguration, it will all be a formality. That is because it happens on the 21st. But law requires that presidents and vice presidents be sworn in on the 20th. So, today the 20th, they were in two quiet ceremonies they were. 

Please raise your right hand and repeat after me, I , Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear. 
I , Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear. 
That I will faithfully execute 
The office of president to the United States. 
And will to the best of my ability. 
Preserve, protect and defend 
The constitution of the United States. 
So, help you God?
So, help me, God.
Congratulations, Mr. President. 
Thank you, Mr. Chief justice. Thank you so much. 
Chief Justice John Roberts administrating the oath, of course, last time as you well know, he fumbled the words, this time he nailed it. President Obama using a family bible today, tomorrow, he¡¯ll use the Lincoln bible and one belonging to Martin Luther King Junior. 
A lot to talk about tonight, vice president Biden took the oath earlier, his residence the naval observatory. Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor doing the honors there. He, too, went off without a hitch. Yesterday though, during a surprise appearance at the Iowa state inaugural ball the vice president, well, he sort of did a Joe Biden. Take a look. 
I¡¯m proud to be president of the United States. But I¡¯m prouder to be Barack¡¦
A few seconds later, of course, he corrected himself. In just a short time ago, he and his wife and the first lady and of course, President Obama all spoke at one of the big receptions around tow tonight. The president¡¯s subject was hair, specifically Michelle Obama¡¯s new bangs. 
First of all, I love Michelle Obama. And to address the most significant event of this weekend, I love her bangs. She looks good. She always looks good.