美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-02-07(在线收听

 That feeling, he's a real card. Alright, first up today, an issue that's getting a lot of attention in Washington, immigration reform. President Obama talked about it yesterday, he says it's a top priority for his second and he thinks the time is right to overhaul the current immigration system. Undocumented immigrants, like these next two students, would probably want to see that.

"Identify myself with the American culture, but sometimes, the American society is like no, you're not part of us."
"It's amazing to see that, you know, they are willing to help us now, because all my life, you know, I've been here, Not knowing what's going to be my future, not knowing where I'm going to go."
You might remember that a group of U.S Senators announced an immigration reform plan earlier this week. It would include a path for undocumented immigrants, people who are in the country illegally to become citizens. President Obama agrees with that idea, some folks think it's a bad one.
"Why don't we talk about a pathway to legality? Why don't we talk about a pathway to a green card? Why don't we talk about some other things rather than going straight to pathway to citizenship. You know, is this fair to those that have been in the queue for a long long time, going through the legal process, trying to get into this country?"
So, a lot of talked about immigration reform, what are your thoughts on this issue? Head to our blog at cnnstudentnews.com or if you are on facebook, you can talk to us there at Facebook.com/cnnstudentnews.
Interesting weather fact, U.S has more tornado than any other country on the planet. About a thousand of them are reported every year, most of those show up during Spring and early Summer, but some states were dealing with tornado watches this week. We talked with chief CNN meteorologist Chad Myers, and the first questions we asked is, why don't we see more tornado in the Winter?
"We do see tornado in the Winter, it's a little bit odd, but we don't think about them, we get them in the overnight, late night hours, in the southern part of the United States, follow the jet stream, in the Winter, the jet is over Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. That's where the severe weather is, then it moves north, in March, April and May. That's tornado alley, Oklahoma, Texas, all the way up to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. And then by the Summer, it's all the way to Edmonton, it's in the Canada, because that's where the jet stream is, the jet stream is the energy, that's where the severe weather always is."
"First thing you need to know is that these storms that happen in the dark, those are the most dangerous. You're sleeping, you're probably not watching TV, you don't have a radio on, all of a sudden, those are the storms that can really hurt you. They're not going to be big, maybe you know, F1s or 2, small tornado  but if it hits your house, it's a big deal, isn't it? The thing we can do to protect yourself is that there is a iPhone, iPad, iTouch app, you get that, it will go off, it will alarm you when a tornado was happening, or just going to know where radio is, that's the old standby."