美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-02-13(在线收听

 We continue to follow breaking news out of Cairo clashes outside the presidential palaces, as we told you, they followed a peaceful sit-in in the Molotov cocktails flew, riot police came, armored personnel carriers surrounded the area. Reports that security forces burning tents the protesters had set up, beating people in the streets, all of this taking place after a week of violent protest across the country, it's already claimed about 55 lives. 

Again, this is taking place two years after the uprising drove Egypt's dictator Hosni Mubarak from power. 
Elsewhere, another pillar on the Muslim World. Turkey, a terrorist attack, targeting Americans, we got breaking news on that. It happened in the Turkish capital, Ankara, a suicide bomber striking just outside the U.S embassy, they are blowing themselves up at a security checkup point, killing a Turkish guard and himself, wounding several others. 
What distinguishes this terrorist attack from so many others is it has do to with who is not involved, this was not the work apparently, of Jihadist killers. And just moments ago, vital new information emerge comes, by the way, a former George W.Bush homeland and security advisor. Fran Townsend, who has been working her sources, our usual disclaimer, she also served in the CIA external advisory board, also with us is retired CIA officer, Bob Baer. 
So, Fran, you, let's start with you, you've got new information about the attack, what is it?
"Well, what we know, Anderson, is the attack happened at an outer perimeter check point, what we've now learned from the law enforcement officials and sources working the investigation is that this outer check point happened to be a walkway for embassy employees and their guests. That now makes more sense, Anderson, ambassador acknowledged that the woman who's been injured, a journalist, who was a friend of his, was coming to meet him for tea. Law enforcement officials, when you ask them about that, say this female journalist enters the perimeter checkpoint, and the man, the suicide bomber, comes in behind her, and that's when he detonates his device, he was carrying a bag on, law enforcement official said, they are still trying to determine whether or not that the device was on him or in that bag. But that's when it was detonated, this was an individual, by the way, Anderson, that was known to both foreign and U.S intelligence officials for his affiliation with this Marxist Lemoniest group because backed to the 1970s."
It's interesting for folks who haven't been entered a lot of embassies overseas, Fran, it often, there is kind of a gate house. That's men by local security personnel, in this case, Turkish personnel, not by U.S marines, and those are kind of the first people, that's the first wave of security you go through nowadays. When you go into an embassy, they search you, there is a metal detector and the like, they figure out why you want to enter, and I guess that's what the journalist was doing. You said earlier today as the details were first come in and it sounded like the security fail safe, so the embassy may have worked exactly the way they were to base on what you've learned, since then, do you think that's still the case?
"I do, Anderson. Look, we have these as tragic as it is that we have, they'll lost of lives, you have these out of your checkpoint, so that you hope the further wave from embassador you catch, an individual who's trying to penetrate with a explosive device, that's exactly what happend, unfortunately, you have Turkish security guards who lost their lives. But what didn't happen was that the individual wasn't able to get that device inside the embassy, closer to our ambassador."