美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-04-12(在线收听

 The breaking news, tonight the White House now say that North Korea launching one of their ballistic missile quoted could be imminent. Also, Pyongyang and Washington were talking secretly just days before they showdown began. A.L. is in South Korea monitoring those developments as well as a sharp threat from the North today.Kim, the possible ballistic missile test what do we know about?

Well, we know that is all eyes on the east coast of North Korea where the launch could be as you say imminent according to South Korea presidential office.They expected of highest likelihood is right now. The morning hours of April 10th that it is April 10th here in Asia. So everyone is watching to see if the missile launch is going to be happening, in these early hours at anytime right now. And something that we could mention Anderson is that this is unusual twisted. South Korea's Fishery and Ocean's department seems very random to mention this, but this department is usually notified by North Korea if there is going to be a missile launch. In this case, they weren't notified. This is different and this is significant. It tells us that Kim Jong-un is sending a message. He is changing the world game. He is not his daddy, he is thereby Anderson, more unpredictable and thereby more dangerous.
What do we know about this potential missile test? What kind of missile? Where would it be fired toward? What kinds of steps have been taken in the region to prepare for?
Well, the assumption at this point is that it's going to be intermediate rock test launch and that the assumption again.These are all assumption because we simply don't know North Korea is proving to be so unpredictable this month. The assumption is probably gonn ahead out to the water, but no one takes any chances. If you go to Airbase in South Korea right now as we did, at the old sound airbase we saw U.S.patrol missile batteries pointed right up to the sky they are pointing to North. U.S. bases have been targeted, they have been told by North Korea that you are target so they are preparation on the ground to make sure that nothing falls on them.
We see North Korea issue warning to diplomats to leave embassies in North Korea.Now today the foreigners in South  Korea how seriously that have been taken.
It's taken seriously and then not seriously. Seriously because foreigners are used to be targeted by Pyongyang. This is something a little more weird than the usual noise and how we hear out of the noise. They specifically pointed out foreigners in South Korea should leave, they should evacuate. That's a big more extreme what we heard normally out of the North. So people here, I spoke with one American woman, she is doing business here in South Korea.She says she has to change his routine, but she did check with U.S. embassy her very first time, Anderson. There is an elevated level of concern, but no alarm.
Now a lot have been made obviously about the lack of different channels between U.S.and North Korea.We are finding out tonight they were actually direct communications between the two countries last month. What do you know about that?
We know is that these regular back channel meetings. In a meeting, that I had with U.S.officials we know that this is something that's normal on these back channel meetings, but they are secret, because United States does not have relations direct normal relations with Pyongyang.But in this meeting, any did happen prior to all these escalation in this region. There was a meeting. The United States saying we want to try a move. We are off to a diplomatic road. But message certainly is not being appreciated by Pyongyang if the message was delivered at all, because we are where we are, Anderson.