美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-04-21(在线收听

 Boston is a tough and resilient town and so its people. I am supremely confident but Bostonian will pull together take care of each other and move forward. As one proud city as they do, the American people will be with the mevery single step of the way.

The city whose heart may be broken but whose spirit is not. We will welcome you to the special edition of CNN student news. Today's entire show was about Monday's terrorist attacking Boston. The victims, the reactions and the investigation.When we produce yesterday program, the Bombings just happened, we didn't have alot of details. We have more now and that's where we start things off today. T
The two bombs went off near the finish line at the Boston Marathonexploded 12 seconds apart. Three people were killed. More than 170 others were wounded.Early reports about other possible explosives turned out to be wrong. One runner Jennifer Trucy was in the Marathon and recording on her phone when the first bomb went off. That was the moment when the day changed. John Bermanfills in the timeline leading up to the blast immediately afterward.
A picture prefect third Monday in April, Patriots day and the day of 117th Boston Marathon. And 9:32 am the elite women racers take off from Hopkins on the 26.2 miles course on the way to Boston's Back Bay. Almost two and half hours later, the first a lead runner started crossing the finish line. Wave after wave of runners thousands of them followed. Then about 2:50 in the afternoon.It happens. A explosion near the finish line, 12 seconds later, anotherexplosion about a block up a crowded Bostonian Street.
They were banged up bad, severe lacerations, amputees, and a lot of shrapnel. You know, they were pretty big explosions. They were banged, a lot of blood everywhere.
Emergency teams and law enforcement scramble.
Get all units in this city to this scene now please.
This was an heinous and cowardly act and given what we now know about what took place. The FBI is investigating as an act of terrorism. Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians. It is act of terror. What we don't yet know however is who carried out this attack or why, what was planned and executed bya terrorist organization, foreign or domestic, or was the act of malevolent individual.But we will find out. We will find who ever harmed our citizens and we will bring them to justice. The American people refused to be terrorized, because what the world saw in the aftermath, the explosions were stories of heroism and kindness and generosity and love. If you want to know who we are - and what America is, how we respond to evil, that’s it. Selflessly,compassionately, unafraid.