美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-04-23(在线收听

 A lot going on this hour, but first we are focusing on the bombing investigation. Our Susan Candiotti joins me with the breaking news. What have we learned, Susan?

We learned from a federal law enforce ment official who irregularly briefed on the investigation that images of two men there are two photographs we are talking about here, are being circulated among law enforcement around the country and those agencies and law enforcement officers are being asked to beyond look out for these people because they are possible suspects, possible we emphasize and of high interest. Now the reason we are being told that there is high interest in these people, is because of the timing of where they were right near the finish line before the blast went off and also because of what they have with them what they are carrying. In this case, at least one of them is carrying what appears to be a dark-colored backpack. And they have also circulated a memo, so to speak among that agency and describeit this way. It says attached photos are being circulated in an attempt to identify the individuals, highlighted therein. Feel free to pass this around to any of your fellow agents elsewhere. We know also that authorities do not yet know the names of these people, so they truly are trying to find them and calling them possible suspects.
So let's be very clear and what we know and what we don't know. You have actually seen one of these photos, one of these photos is in the possession, I believe or both of these photos.
I have seen them both. 
You have seen them both. They're in the possession of CNN, but we are not releasing them, we are not showing them on the air because we don't want to do anything that would affect investigation in any way.
Exactly, because if we show them, they don't know who these are, we don't want to be one part of tipping these people off.
We are also just for the record not going to any descripted information about the individuals in these photos. We are doing that on purposes.
Exactly, that's right. Don't want to give too much way.
Ok. So again botte line, there are two photos of two individuals. It's fair to call them person of interest, not even suspects, just persons of interest people that, the law enforcement wants to talk to these people, wants to learn more about these people. Would like to identify them by name and find them. That's the latest. 
Exactly. Exactly. And they are very hopeful that they will be able to find these people. That's why they are spreading the maround to so many people to tell others. Do you recognize them?
Right. Great reporting. Susan Candiotti,appreciate the update. I want to bring in Tom Fuentes, CNN analyst, former FBI assistant director with extensive experience investigating terrorist attacks like this one. Tom, what do you make of this development? 
Hi, Anderson. Suzen is exactly right. I think they are trying circulated among law enforcement That's the first chance to try to identify to one of those individuals, not to have individuals at this time put out over the media what they realize they are suspects and maybe leave the country or make it harder to locate them. So I think it's strategy choice to try it do in this way, the idea being that maybe if they can apprehend one of them or both, but specifically one, that person make cooperate and give up.The identity of others that may have been involved if there's more than one person involved. And again, the other people would not be alerted to flee, if,in fact, it's not public yet who they are. Now that's hard to decision to make.They are balancing the fact that if they put picture out in public. They are going to have much easier chance. But at the same time, they are going to flooded with leads from, you know thousands of extra leads and they're already covering thousands of leads. It's a difficult strategy decision to make on the part of the commanders. And I think that's probably what they have been wrestling with all day today. But they have great photos of a couple of people,but how they want to go about apprehending them。