
BRIEF: U.S. President Barack Obama was interrupted Friday, while delivering remarks about a change in U.S. immigration policy at the White House Rose Garden. About 800,000 young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children could be spared deportation under new immigration rules announced by Obama that may appeal to Hispanic voters in an election year. While delivering the remarks, a man in the media gallery attempted to interrupt the President and ask questions. Media reports identified the man as Neil Munro of the Daily Caller website.
参考译文: 周五在美国白宫玫瑰园,当奥巴就移民政策发表评论时,中途被人打断。在一项奥巴马颁布的新移民法规中,大约80万名从小就来到美国的年轻非法移民者将免遭驱逐,但这被认为是奥巴马在大选之年吸引拉美裔选民的策略。在发表讲话时,一名站在媒体中央的男子试图打断演讲并且提问题。据媒体报道,该男子名为尼尔·芒罗,是每日访客网站的员工。
