
 Secrets from some of the world’s most covert agencies are putting their tricks on display for a new exhibit called "SPY: The Secret World of Espionage," in New York City. It’s a rare opportunity to take a sneakpeek at tools rarely shown to the public, and a chance for kids to test their spy-skills.

  In this first-ever public display filled with authentic devices from secret agents and spies, visitors will be able to learn the tricks of the trade and catch a rare glimpse at tools that brought down some of the biggest criminals and masterminds of our time.
  Carl Cricco, Marketing Dir. of Discovery Times Square, said, "This is a pretty concerted effort by the CIA, FBI and the NRO, National Reconnaissance Organization (Office) to basically show the American public what goes into intelligence gathering through a collection of artifacts that, you know, have historic relevance through the history of espionage.
  Get kids engaged in science as well as again, give people a good foundation for understanding what these intelligent agents do on a day-to-day basis."
  Over 10,000 of the pieces came from the personal collection of author H. Keith Melton, who has penned numerous books on espionage. Other relicswere loaned by some of the world’s leading intelligence agencies.
  One of the most popular interactive features is the laser web, giving kids a chance to test their spy skills.
  He said, "Hollywood has definitely made good use of the laser maze and we have one here for kids to navigate and to try and go through and sneak through without setting off sensors. And it’s incredible popular with the children here and we think it’s one of the highlights of the exhibition."
  Spies in the making or those looking for inspiration on their next undercover operation should head to the exhibit, running through next May at New York’s Discovery Times Square.