美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-05-21(在线收听

 A king size conundrum ruins ruined, twins who were both first. That's all coming up this Thursday edition of CNN Student News.

We start with the thread of the severe weather. The tropical cyclone, which is the same kind of storm as hurricane. And the United Nation's agency says more than 8 million people in Bangladesh and Myanmar could be in danger from this one. The storm is moving through the bay Bengal, forecaster say it will hit land late today or early Friday. When it does, it's expected to bring strong winds and very heavy rain. Authorities in 8 groups were trying to help people prepare before this thing hits. One official says it's really a race against time.
The storms have different names based on what part of the world they are in. Ivan Cabrera has more that explains some of the sizes behind them.
--A tropical cyclone is a area of low pressure that forms in the tropical regions of the world.
Cyclone is actually very important, even though, of course, they can be deadly. They help essentially balance out the temperature across the globe. They are an equalizer, so they take the heat energy from the tropics and they translate that what we needed into the colder climates.
The generic term for it is a tropical cyclone that can refer to any cyclone that has closed centres circulation, anywhere in the world like Atlantic, when they get strong enough to a certain wind speed, we call it hurricanes. But if you're in the west Pacific, a hurricane is called typhoon. There is no difference between hurricane and typhoon except the name, they're both tropical cyclones.
Next up today, anger. To buy the materials being used to build roads, specifically where the materials came from, a pyramid. This happened in the centre American country Belize. The northern part of this nation was home to Mayan civilizations thousands pf years ago. Those civilizations include pyramids that look like this one. Some of them are still standing like one that was the centre of a settlement around 250 B.C.
The pyramids were more than 60 feet tall. I say was. This is what's left of that Mayan pyramid. Someone caming with buddles used to destroy it. So they can use limestone from the pyramid as the road building material. The pyramid is on private land, but there are laws in Belize that protect these ancient ruins. Local official says who ever responsible should be prosecuted. A local archeologist called the pyramid destruction an incredible display of ignorance.
Predicting a volcano curruption has been an exact science, otherwise things might turned out differently in Pompeii. Today volcanologist can use instruments to mointer a mountain. They can study its eruptive history, they can keep watch on trimmers in the grounds around it.
But one sure fire sign of a volcano is up to something, it starts spewing lava. And that's what not one but two volcanos in Alaska are doing. Scientists are saying that there was little or no warning they can explode. Both Pavlov and Cleveland volcanos are in the illusion islands of the southwest coast of Alasks. In the case of Cleveland volcano, there are no ground instruments to moniter what's going on, because of the budgets cut. Full scale eruption was threaten air space and estimated 90 percent air freeze the travel from Asia to Europe, and north America, flys near Alaska. But these volcanos aren't major thread to people on the ground, because there aren't many people on the ground there. What is thread to people, a massive moutain in Mexico. The Popocatepetl volcano has been spewing ash and molten rock in recent days. Says it's only 40 miles from Mexico City, authorities are planning evacuation routes and shelters for people nearby, in case it blows its top.