星火英语四级2000核心词 37(在线收听

   [00:11]Day 37

  [00:14]True love should be permanent.
  [00:19]Have you obtained permission
  [00:21]from your teacher?
  [00:25]We will persist in our demands.
  [00:31]I never had any personal contact
  [00:33]with Hyndman.
  [00:37]It's a physical impossibility
  [00:39]to be in two places at once.
  [00:44]On the table is a pile of books
  [00:46]which she consults from time to time.
  [00:51]He put a pinch of salt on his food.
  [00:57]Pleasure without joy
  [00:59]is as hollow as passion without tenderness.
  [01:05]The news plunged us into despair.
  [01:11]Honesty is the best policy.
  [01:16]The result of the poll won't be known
  [01:18]until midnight.
  [01:22]The air is polluted in this city,
  [01:25]but it is not given sufficient attention
  [01:28]partly because of the nation's drive to save energy.
  [01:35]I have a portable television set.
  [01:40]The money was divided into seven portions.
  [01:46]They posed their plan
  [01:48]for the director to consider.
  [01:53]Palestinians have the right
  [01:54]to do whatever possible
  [01:56]to regain their rights and their land.
  [02:02]The book is arguably a potential best seller.
  [02:09]These people once had fame and fortune;
  [02:12]now all that is left to them is utter poverty.
  [02:18]Our research has focused on a drug
  [02:20]which has the power to change brain chemistry.
  [02:27]Pray be careful.
  [02:31]Timely snow predicts a bumper harvest.
  [02:37]Has your history book a preface?
  [02:42]I prefer bananas to apples.
  [02:47]She was six months pregnant.
  [02:52]A judge must be free from prejudice.
  [02:58]The room is in excellent preparation for the party.
  [03:05]There is a wrong tendency at present,
  [03:08]that is putting money above everything else
  [03:10]in all matters.
  [03:15]He felt a pressure on the right shoulder.
  [03:20]Enough materials should be collected previous
  [03:23]to writing.
  [03:27]This fine picture is the pride
  [03:29]of my collection.

