学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1886 contractor(在线收听

1886 contractor

今天我们要学的词是 contractor. Contractor 合同工。最新报告显示,Hundreds of Internal Revenue Service contractor employees owe a total of $5.4 million in back taxes. 美国国家税务局的几百名合同员工拖欠未交的税款总计540万美元。美国国会就奥巴马医保网站出现的技术故障举行听证会。Contractor companies told the House panel that they did not have enough time to test the web site before its' rollout. 该网站的承包公司告诉国会众议院听证小组成员说,网站正式启动前,他们没有足够的测试时间。好的,今天我们学习的词是 contractor, contractor, contractor.
