美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-06-23(在线收听

 I've heard it said many times across my life that black people don't camp, black people don't ski, and black people don't swim!

Summer in America is a time for the outdoors, right? Well, not for everyone.
People with color just don't have the historical currency to be able to say, 'Well, this is something that my father did, or my grandfather did, and I'm just carrying on the tradition by sharing this experience with my children.'
Welcome to CNN Radio News day. I'm Tommy Andres. Race and recreation. Later on our show we will talk to a man who was literally climbing to the top of a mountain, the extreme of his message of fitness from Mountain High. But first, have you ever left something on the stove on low heat, walked away and forgotten about it, and later when you came back, you found it boiling over? Well, we might be close to that point with immigration.
We have 20 million Americans currently unemployed or under-employed. Now what we are talking about here is importing millions of low-skill workers to compete with them for a job.
Now that sound from an Anti-reform rally in the US capital today. Technically it was a 6-hour press conference; we will explain that in a second. But but the point is that just in the past 24 hours, things have heated up fast on immigration. Leaders of both the House and the Senate have made major moves. And a new report laid out the cost of the immigration reform and what it could mean for things like unemployment and the economy. So CNN's Lisa Dayshut Dan gets us some speed from important numbers to bubbling personal emotion.
There was plenty of anger at government at the Tea Party immigration rally today. But the larger emotion was quieter. Fear, fear that giving status to people who are in US illegally will ruin America.
Now that hard-earned jobs for our own kids that went to go to everybody else. It is not fair. So that means that our people, Americans, have to work for a lot less money, which means they can't get ahead.
Remember that thought. Now, the rally was technically a 6-hour press conference. That basically was to allow congressmen to reserve the space. So two hours in.
I guess I could take some questions now.
Could you talk more about the CBO score yesterday and particularly ¡¦Now of course it's me asking about the new report from the Congressional Budget Office. Let's leave the rally for a second to talk about that.
CBO found that the Senate immigration bill would acutally cut the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars in both the next decade and the decade after that. It would bring in more revenues than it costs more taxes and business then the benefits it would pay out. Also the CBO report says the immigration bill would boost the economy, the GDP. But, but CBO says it would also cut average wages by a half percent over 20 years. So the report is mostly good for those who want reform except it dose slightly back up that earlier report you heard.
Americans have to work for a lot less money.
Well, not a lot less, but some. The timing here is key because Senate debate is happening right now.
Time is the essence in this legislation.
And Senate Leader Reid just announced when the major vote, that 60-vote crocher motion will happen.
We're going to either a five crocher on that's on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. We have to move forward this legislation.
What date is it today?
Back at the immigration rally, Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann was stressing exactly that timing.
Don't you think it's a good idea we are here today.