美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-09-10(在线收听

 Today's edition CNN student news starts with the update regarding Syria.Yesterday we looked at some of the key players in the US debate over possible action against the middle east nation, * you can find that video in our homepage. 

Today we are focusing on the global community, we begin at Sweden.President Obama was there yesterday talking about the so called red line something he first mention more than a year ago. 'A red line for us is we start saying a whole bunch chemical weapons move around or being legalized, that will change my calculus, that will change my question'. The idea of the red line is that it is the * to ever said could acting response, so that was the president Obama said in 2012.Here is what he said yesterday in Sweden. 'I didn't set a red line,the world set the red line. The world set the red line when governments representing 98% of the world's population said the use of the chemical weapons are abort'. Governments surround the world are having conversations about Syria, we'll gonna start with United Kingdom, last week the British parliament voted against the possibility of strike against Syria. Prime minister David Camero says that's a dangerous move that could encourage more chemical weapons attacks. In France president Francois Hollande gives a similar message to law makers and his nation, president Hollande says if the Syrian government isn't punished, it will send a signal to other countries with chemical weapons. The France national assembly started debating the idea of strike yesterday. The Syrian government denied that has used chemical weapons, the president of Russia doesn't think Syria has used those weapons either. President Vladimir Putin says he thinks it's absurd that Syria forces will use chemical weapons, says he says they has the upper hand against the rivals. Putin say sthere need to be proof that chemical weapons were used.
US emergency crews are gradually getting a massive wild fire under control, we told you about the rim fire. It's been burning the California since mid August. This rim fire has cost California more than 39 million dollars, it's one of the largest wildfires in California history. Monday night fire fighters headed 70% contained. Rain and cool temperature were helping out with that. Wildfires of course can have a wider impact than just burning land and damaging homes. The rim fire forced schools to close, and sports practices to be cancel. Now things are starting to get back to be normal. ' You know just watching the fire you know just concerned about the homes and stuffs, feels good we had a tournament so we're feeling good to get back now and we're excited for the season.' 
US government first recognized the * * in 1942, it has the phrase under god in 1954. In recent years that phrase has been challenged to the american courts, but every attempt to remove the mention of the god from the pledge has failed. Massachusetts highest courts is hearing the similar case on this, but with a twist it's not arguing the mention of god violent the first * like previous cases, it's arguing the phrase goes against the state law. Massachusetts'constitution says all people are born free and has certain natural essential * rights, * of lawsuits say that the phrase under god violent the rights of the students who don't believe in god by discriminating against them. Defender say there is a disagreement but not discrimination, the phrase doesn't violent anyone's right because student can choose not to say the pledge. The lower court agreed last year saying the phrase under guard god does not convert the exercise of the pledge into a prayer. An * coupler appeal that ruling, and what Massachusetts' supreme court decides could have a impact nationwide. If you are on facebook, we would like to hear your opinions on this, talk to us at facebook.com/cnnstudentnews.  