经济学人42:阿根廷的科研 炼金术士克里斯蒂娜(在线收听

   Science and Technolgy

  Science in Argentina
  Cristina the alchemist
  Argentina is trying to build a scientific establishment
  SOUTH AFRICA is not the only middle-income country which aspires to join the world's scientific powers (see article).
  和南非一样, 阿根廷不仅是一个中等收入国家同时也寻求在世界科学研究领域的地垃。
  Argentina would like to as well. The place is proud of its three Nobel science prizes-the largest haul of any Latin American nation-even if the most recent was awarded in 1984.
  这里的人们都以曾获3次诺贝尔奖为殊荣- 这是拉美国家里所获该奖最多的- 即便最近的1次是在1984年。
  But many researchers fled in the 1990s, when budgets were slashed.
  Now the government is trying to attract them back, and to encourage younger talent to consider a scientific career.
  When Néstor Kirchner, the predecessor and late husband of the current president, Cristina Fernández,
  克里斯蒂娜.费尔南德兹是现任总统; 她的亡夫同时也是前任总统内斯托?基什内尔,
  took office in 2003, Argentina was spending just 0.41% of its GDP on research and development (R&D). Now, that figure is 0.64%. (Brazil, by comparison, spent 0.95% in 2003 and 1.18% in 2009.)
  在2003年就任的时候,阿根廷的科研费用只占了总GDP的0.41%, 而现在则是0.64%.(以巴西为比照,2003年是0.95%,而2009年是1.18%)
  Kirchner raised researchers' salaries, launched a scheme to repatriate departed scientists and gave tax breaks to software companies.
  Ms Fernández followed suit by creating a science ministry and putting a biologist, Lino Bara?ao, in charge of it.
  She also increased grants to firms that try to develop new products.
  Many of the Kirchners' critics were sceptical, seeing the ministry either as a political marketing ploy or as a soft touch for lobbyists seeking unjustified subsidies.
  But the strategy seems to be working.
  With help from the Inter-American Development Bank the government has, since 2004, lured back 854 expatriate scientists.It has done so by providing new laboratories and equipment for them, moving their families, and forking out extra money for their salaries.
  As a consequence, according to Dr Bara?ao, Argentine researchers have published 179 articles in leading journals in the past decade, compared with just 30 in the 1990s.
  据巴拉尼奥博士称,在去年10年中,阿根廷科研人员在学术期刊上发布的论文达到了179篇, 而在90年代仅有30篇。
  Most of the returners are academics. But commercial science has benefited, too.
  Indear, a joint public-private biotechnology-research centre based in Santa Fe, recently worked out how to transfer a gene for drought resistance from sunflowers to crops such as maize, soyabeans and wheat. That can increase yields in droughts by up to 40%.
  And the government has also doled out $54m in grants for the development of products that include coagulant factors to treat haemophilia, transgenic cattle which secrete valuable hormones in their milk, and better ways of probing for oil deposits.
  Help for high-tech innovation comes in other forms, too.
  The state offers, for example, to pay the cost of patenting inventions in foreign jurisdictions and of hiring lawyers to defend those patents.
  It also acts as a headhunter for information-technology firms seeking employees with PhDs, and will pay part of the salaries of such recruits.
  None of these programmes has faced allegations of corruption.
  Whether all this activity will have the effect of stimulating high-tech industry, as Ms Fernández hopes, remains to be seen.
  Argentine scientists are happy to take taxpayers' money but according to Luis Dambra, a professor at the IAE business school in Buenos Aires, they look down their noses at the idea of actually getting their hands dirty by going into industry.
  Mr Dambra, though, says industry is equally to blame.
  In 2009 (the latest year for which data are available), only 21% of Argentine R&D was paid for by the private sector, compared with 44% of Brazil's. Firms that might recruit academic scientists often do not see the point. Even those that do may struggle to accommodate people with a non-commercial background into the business world.
  在2009年(最新可用数据)阿根廷的研发支出只有21%是来自于私人资本,而巴西则是44%. 但那些可能雇佣理论科研人员的企业总是忽略这些,即使那些想把非商业背景人才引入商业领域的企业也为此犹豫不决。
  Attitudes can change, of course.
  In the 1980s many British academics were as snobbish about commerce as Argentina's are now.
  These days, Britain's top universities are gung-ho for spin-outs and the revenue they can provide.
  But it takes time and consistent policy to make such changes and Argentina is notorious for sudden alterations in the political weather.
  That makes the country a perilous place to invest, whatever the current climate.