NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-10-12(在线收听

 From NPR News in Washington,I am Jack Speer.

House republicans say they will be working through the night to try to come to agreement with president Obama on a plan to reopen the government and raise the federal debt limit.Word came after the GOP leader attended a meeting at White House this afternoon.NPR's Craig Wendorm says some republicans working behinde the scene come up the proposal of their own.
House GOP leader say they had begun a constructive dialogue with White House, and House rules committee chairman Peter Session says that dialogue will continue.
You know what we are trying work together tonight to see we can come to an agreeement and if we can come to an agreement then we will working well together. 
Senate GOP leader MIcanal is reportedly working with republican senator Susan Clolins to develop a proposal that would not only raise the debt limit for a period time but also provid funding to reopen the government.The plan is set to have strings attached though including repeal of tax on medical advice that's popular with some law makers from both parties.Craig Windorm,NPR News, Washington.
California governor Jerry Brown has signed into a law a measure than expans the least of health care providers which perform earlier abortions.NPR's Allic has that story.
The law will let nurse protecgers certify nurse mid vans and position assistance with special training perform what's known as aspiration abortions in the first drymaster,four other states,Origan,Motanna,Vermout and New hanm already allow such professionals to perform these abortions.The new laws opposed by Cathelic biships and republican law makers who argue that laws the standard medical care for women.Supporters of the new law says it gives women a specially residency of rural areas where there are fewer health care facilities more access to abortion services.Richard NPR News,Sanfrancisco.
Questions than answers are remained by the death of Cliverland kidnapper Castro.Castro was found hunging from a bed shit in a cell eraly last month week after pledging guilty to kidnapping 3 women and holding them prisoners at home for nearly a decade.Reports suggest Castro's death may has been a result of sexual act known of Audoro's physication.Ohio question spokes man Smith says survelliance video shows guards skipted at least 8 qui checks on Castro.
The team they find there were some incidents where around were not being conducted properly according to policy,   host small books      
T   court had classified Castro's death as s suicide but was not procides some of the details.
Shoppers    in the spending abidden september with the slow down already start to worry some retailers as the key holiday shoping season approches.A group of non-major retailers expected to sell 3.1% rise in same store sales last month has still well above 5.5% gain reported last year according to Tomson.
A    on Wall Street to make signs of progress top reserving inpassing over the debts ceiling debate in Washington,the Don Jones up 323 points today.You are listening to NPR News.
The federal government is saving a company that operated in Texas fertilizer plant that exploded in April killing 15 people and destroying nearby apartments,a nurseing home and two schools.The blost also knocked down windows all of the small down of west Texas,the fertilizer company but hit 24 safety violations     will fine to more than 118,000 dollars.    legis violations on safe healing monia and monia    .
The winner of this year's Nobel prize for Literiture is reconsidering her plan to retire.As NPR's Obie explains Roe has announced intension to stop writing earlier this year.
At a phone interview with the official website of Nobel prize,Alice says maybe she was not quite ready to put down her pen.
Since 1950,when the first of scoores of Rusher stories was published.
This change my mind.
This being the 1.2 million dollar prize,the highest hornor in world literure.
Alice short stories collections include Lifes of girls of women and the moons of Jubit.She is best more popular writer than many resons selection from Suiss Academy.Alice's spokeman said if Alice once stoped writing,she is entitled, after all she is already won the Nobel prize. Olibi,NPR News.
   give a new meaning to the phase,there is an f for that,seems Motana officials want to make it legal for people loose strike in kilone animal with their car   road kill for the dinner table.State officials earlier this year allowing law makers allowing customers      harvest dear      by vechiels.They left up     to figure out how to carry out.Officials say they plan to   a smart phone    .
I am J S,NPR News.