学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1899 first-born(在线收听

1899 first-born

今天我们要学的词是 first-born. First-born 名词,意思是头胎生的孩子,老大。Time and again, research has shown that first-born children are better at a lot of things than their younger siblings. 各种研究多次显示,头胎孩子在很多事情上都要比弟弟妹妹强。Half of U.S. Presidents are first-born children. 美国总统里有一半都是家里的老大。最近一项研究的作者说,First-born kids get better grades in school because their parents are stricter with them than later-born children. 家里老大学习成绩更好是因为家长对老大的要求比后面的孩子更加严格。好的,今天我们学习的词是 first-born, first-born, first-born....
