澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-01-23(在线收听

 And Australian Chamber of Commerce says another interest rate cut is needed to help stimulate the economy. Its latest survey of nearly 600 companies suggest business confidence haven't shown signs of improvement for nearly three years.

And it paints further expectations of weak performance with many firms choosing to delay expansion plans. Chief economist Wag Greg Evans says recent reductions haven't done enough to turn things around and more cuts are needed.
Britain's triple A credit rating has come under further pressure after another rise in public spending, figures show monthly borrowing was more than expected in December, further endangering the government cost cutting drive.
Economists now believe the chancellor George Osborne is almost certain to miss his newly revise annual budget target, they fear that Britain will France and the United States, who've already downgraded by 1 credit rating agency.
Let's take a look at the markets. The Dow has closed 46 points ahead, the NASDAQ was up slightly. The S&P 500 has gained 6 points. In London overnight, the FTSE closed flat. 
To commodity prices, West Texas Crude is trading at $96 a barrel, Tapis Crude is at &119 a barrel. Gold is worth $1691 an ounce. The Australian dollar is buying 106 U.S cents, 79 euro cents, and 67 pence sterling.