澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-01-28(在线收听

 Of course, Queensland's flood emergency which is threatening more communities. One man is missing after being swept away, while trying to cross a flooded creek on a motorbike at Greenback near Brisbane. In the Lockyer Valley, west of Brisbane, the local mayor says there is serious flooding with one creek peaking higher than in 2011. More than 1,000 homes and businesses have been flooded in Bundaberg and Gladstone. Further south, Gympie is also on high alert with the Mary River expected to peak this morning.

Now, it doesn’t stop there. In northern New South Wales, flood warnings have been issued for six river systems. Floodwaters have isolated about 2,000 people in several small communities. Volunteers are sandbagging homes in Coffs Harbour,Yamba and Lismore.

Now to other news and 230 people have died in a nightclub fire in Brisbane, ah, Brazil, sorry.  It's believed the fire started when a band let off fireworks at the club which was packed with university students in the city of Santa Maria. Many of the victims died from smoking inhalation or were crushed to death.
Police are still searching for a man who stole a highway patrol car in western Sydney. They say two officers pulled the car over at around midday yesterday. The man identified as Arthur Partsch then allegedly overpowered the officers and sped off in the patrol car. It was later found abandoned in Parramatta.