澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-01-31(在线收听

 The federal election is nearly eight months away, but already the major parties are arguing over policy costings. The prime minister has announced voters will go to the polls on September, the 14th. Opposition frontbencher Christopher Pyne has told on the News Breakfast, the coalition will release its policy costings sometime after the main budget. He says the pressure is now on the government to say just how it'll pay for its promises.

Recovery efforts are getting underway in Queensland even though many communities there are still flooded. Troops have been deployed to help with the cleanup, nealry 200 soldiers have arrived in Bundaberg, smallers teams have been sent to Gayndah, west of Bundaberg and Burrum Heads on the freezy coast.
And the flood threat is also easing in northern NSW, the Clarence River is receding, but 16,000 people are still isolated. The Clarence Valley's mayor says the damage bill in Grafton and Maclean could go as high as ten million dollars.
Syrian TV is reporting Israeli jets have attacked a research center in Damascus. Earlier security sources said Israeli warplanes had bombed a convoy on Syria's border with Lebanon. The attack was apparently targeting weapons destined for the militant group, Hezbollah.
And the Sapphires is the big winner from the Australian film and TV awards. The film about a 1960s indigenous girl group, took out six golds, including best film and best director for Wayne Blair and the best lead actress for Deborah Mailman.