澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-02-14(在线收听

 Firefighters are mourning two colleagues who've been killed in Victoria's Alpine Region. The victims, a man in his thirties and a young woman, were in an emergency vehicle which was struck by a falling tree. They were working to control the huge Harrietville fire that's been burning for several weeks.

In Western Australia, an out of control bushfire is continuing to threaten homes in the state's southwest. Residents of Greenbushes, Hester Brook, Wandillup, Maranup and South Hampton have been advised to leave if it's safe to do so. The fire has burnt three thousand hectares and destroyed two properties, including the historic South Hampton homestead.
Around 30,000 Victorian teachers are expected to walk off the job today. It's the latest escalation in a long running disputes over pay and conditions. Most schools will be affected and around 170 are expected to close.
In one of his final public appearances, Pope Benedict has told an audience in Rome he is resigning for the good of the Catholic Church. He's thanked Catholic for their love and their prayers. The 85-year-old pontiff shocked the world this week when he announced that he was too frail to continue in the job.
And five children are among ten people reportedly killed in a NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan. Afghan officials say the victims were from two local families. But NATO says it's still investigating.