澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-02-15(在线收听

 South African police have charged Olympian Oscar Pistorius with murdering his girlfriend. The athlete, known as the “blade runner”, is due to face court in Pretoria later today. Police found the body of 30-year-old model Reeva Steenkamp at his, her(error in speaking) home. He(error in speaking)She had been shot dead.

States Sports Minister has been given a confidential briefing on the investigation into doping and match-fixing. They met in Melbourne last night with staff from the Australian Crime Commission and the Anti-doping Agency ASADA. Victoria's Minister Hugh Delahunty says they weren't told the names of...of players or clubs, but he is satisfied they are not dealing with a serious problem. 
Shares in Henz have risen dramatically after the biggest food company takeover deal in history. The US billionaire Warren Buffet and private equity firm 3G are buying the baked beans maker for 28 billion dollars. The takeover still needs a vote by shareholders.
Rio Tinto has confirmed it paid no mining tax last year. Rio's new boss Sam Walsh made the admission while reporting the company's first net loss of 2.9 billion dollars. The loss is due to assets write-downs worth nearly 14 billion dollars. 
And in the world's first, Australian teenage boys are to receive the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil. Although boys can't develop the cancer, they still carry the human papilloma virus that causes it.