名人励志英语演讲 第151期:感觉失败及寻找幸福(13)(在线收听

   Not a small topic this is, finding happiness. But in some ways I think it's the simplest of all. Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a poem for her children. It's called "Speech to the Young: Speech to the Progress-Toward". And she says at the end, "Live not for battles won./ Live not for the-end-of-the-song./ Live in the along." She's saying, like Eckhart Tolle, that you have to live for the present. You have to be in the moment. Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now.

  But I think she's also saying, be a part of something. Don't live for yourself alone. This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself. Because life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward you have to give back. And to me, that is the greatest lesson of life. To be happy, you have to give something back.
  I know you know that, because that's a lesson that's woven into the very fabric of this university. It's a lesson that Jane and Leland Stanford got and one they've bequeathed to you. Because all of you know the story of how this great school came to be, how the Stanfords lost their only child to typhoid at the age of 15. They had every right and they had every reason to turn their backs against the world at that time, but instead, they channeled their grief and their pain into an act of grace. Within a year of their son's death, they had made the founding grant for this great school, pledging to do for other people's children what they were not able to do for their own boy.
  1. in some ways
  eg. In some ways, the official opening is a formality.
  eg. These paintings are in some ways a reminder that earthly pleasures are ephemeral.
  2. for sure
  eg. One thing's for sure, Astbury's vocal style hasn't changed much over the years.
  eg. Even to this day we don't know what happened for sure.
  3. channel sth. into sth.
  eg. Stephen is channelling his energies into a novel called Blue.
  eg. Channel all your efforts into this one project, and you will succeed.
  1976 在巴尔的摩的WJZ-TV电视台当记者和一个晚间新闻节目的联合主持人,并遇到助理导演盖尔·金,金后来成为她最亲密的朋友。
  1978 在WJZ-TV电视台,从晚间节目调至早间节目《人们在谈论》,任该节目联合主持人。
  1984 在芝加哥主持《芝加哥早晨》节目。
  1985 遇到将成为她“重要的另一半”的斯特德曼·格雷厄姆和请她出演《紫色姐妹花》(一译《紫色》)中索菲娅一角的昆西·琼斯,后因此片获奥斯卡奖提名。
  1986 她主持的节目易名为《奥普拉·温弗瑞节目》,并被金氏兄弟公司并购,通过电视辛迪加向全美播送。出演根据理查德·赖特小说改编的电影《土生子》。在芝加哥一湖边购买了公寓。出席朋友玛丽亚·施赖弗和阿诺德·施瓦辛格在马萨诸塞州海恩尼斯举行的婚礼。
  1987 在离开田纳西州立大学十多年后,奥普拉被授予语言表达与戏剧学位,并在学位授予典礼上致辞。
  1988 被国际电视与广播协会授予“年度广播员”称号,是获得这一称号的最年青的人。在获得自己节目的所有权和控制权后,她开始制作自己的节目。她将自己的电视公司命名为“哈普”,并购买了影视设备,成为第一位拥有影视公司的女黑人。她在印地安那州购买了一座农场,后又购买了另外两座住宅,一座位于科罗拉多州,一座位于加利福尼亚州。她的朋友兼助手比利·里佐死于艾滋病,她弟弟后来也死于该病。
  1989 杰弗里·李死于艾滋病。与一位投资人共同开了一家名为“怪异”的餐馆。