经济学人57:Europe’s zombie banks 欧洲的僵尸银行(在线收听

   Europe’s zombie banks

  Blight of the living dead
  Europe’s financial system is in a terrible state, and nothing much is being done about it
  Jul 13th 2013
  “PROBABLY the most successful monetary-policy measure undertaken in recent times.” That isMario Draghi’s self-effacing judgment on the outright monetary transactions (OMT) programme,the promise made by the European Central Bank (ECB) last summer to buy the bonds of strugglingeuro-area governments. The ECB’s president deserves credit for bringing calm to bond markets.But in reality the situation is still awful, and Europe’s banks are at the heart of theproblem.
  欧洲央行行长德拉吉谦虚地作出评价:“也许,直接货币交易是近期最成功的货币政策。” 去年夏季,欧洲央行(ECB)许下诺言,要利用直接货币交易政策来购买欧元区经济困难国家的债券。ECB行长平定了债券市场,值得嘉奖。但是,实际情况还是很糟糕,欧洲各个银行现在处在了问题的中心。
  The euro-zone economy has contracted for six consecutive quarters. The IMF this week revisedits 2013 forecast down again: it expects the euro zone to shrink by 0.6% this year. (Just torub things in, the fund adjusted its forecasts for Britain upwards.) The outlook in the coreeuro-zone economies has worsened, thanks in part to a slowdown in China: in May German exportssuffered their sharpest fall for two years. But the brunt of the pain is being borne by theperipheral economies.
  Greece is in its sixth straight year of recession; Spain’s unemployment rate stands at almost27%; Italy’s credit rating was downgraded this week. Beno?t Coeuré, an ECB board member, gotit right on July 10th when he said that the euro zone “is still engulfed in a severe crisis”. The OMT programme may keep the financial speculators at bay, but pressure can build on thestreets as well as in bond yields. Years of joblessness, economic hardship and edicts fromcreditor countries are straining the political fabric in Portugal and Greece.
  希腊的经济衰退已经连续6年了;西班牙的失业率高达27%;本周意大利的信用等级有所下降。ECB执行委员会会员Benoit Coeure在7月10日表示:“欧元区仍陷入严重的危机中”,事实确实如此。直接货币交易正常也许会阻止人们在金融上的投机行为,但是给人们和债券收益也增添了压力。连年失业、经济困难以及债权国的法令都让葡萄牙和希腊的政治岌岌可危。
  Credit corpses
  Banks are central to Europe’s prospects. The fear, especially in peripheral economies, is arepeat of Japan’s experience in the 1990s, when “zombie” banks staggered along for years,neither healthy enough to lend to firms nor weak enough to collapse. There are the sameunvital signs in Europe. The average price-to-book ratio for European banks remains below one,suggesting that investors think lenders are worth more dead than alive. In America, wherebanks were recapitalised quickly, the ratio exceeds one. Italy’s two big lenders, UniCreditand Intesa Sanpaolo, have ratios of 0.34 and 0.42 respectively.
  The suspicion of European lenders is well-founded. The amount of shaky loans keeps climbing:worryingly, there are more non-performing loans in the Italian banking system than there iscore “Tier-1” capital. Lots of peripheral banks have been loading up on their owngovernments’ bonds: Portugal’s three biggest banks increased their holdings of Portuguesesovereign debt by 16% in the first quarter of the year. Mortgages account for even more bankassets’ and house prices keep falling—at the fastest pace on record in Spain in the firstquarter.
  Weren’t the Europeans supposed to be cleaning up their balance-sheets? Private-equity firmsthat have raised billions to buy up distressed assets from European banks are kicking theirheels while they wait for deals to arrive. Regulators worry that banks, rather than writingoff or selling bad loans, have been fiddling with the models that dictate how much capitalthey need to hold. Danske Bank, a big Danish lender, was abruptly ordered by its supervisor tochange its calculations last month, lowering its capital ratio. Denmark is outside the euro,but even German politicians joke about the nasty surprises in their banks’ balance-sheets.
  None of this presages a full-scale collapse: European banks have more capital than they didbefore the start of the crisis. But lending is being throttled. As far as the periphery isconcerned, the ECB’s attempts to kickstart growth with ultra-low interest rates is one of theleast successful central-bank policies of recent times. Loans to non-financial firmscontracted in May by 4.1% in Italy, 5.0% in Portugal and 9.7% in Spain. Some of that is causedby the impact of recession. But it also reflects financial fragmentation. Banks in strongcountries are lending less across borders. Lenders in weak countries pay more to borrow thanbanks in strong ones. This divergence ripples through to customers: the difference in the costof borrowing between German and Spanish firms rose from a mere six basis points in summer 2011to 149 basis points earlier this year.
  As long as Europe’s banks are not strong enough to lend, its economy will struggle to grow.Mr Draghi and his fellow policymakers should concentrate on three cures.
  The first is to unclog the lending channels. There are mechanisms for the ECB to try to lowerbank-lending rates in the periphery. But it could also usefully weaken the dependence of smalland medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on banks by helping prise open the capital markets—by,for instance, buying up securities backed by SME loans. That would mean helping some countriesmore than others, something that makes the ECB uneasy. But this horse has bolted: the centralbank’s policies are already having an uneven effect across the euro zone. The EuropeanInvestment Bank could also ease credit by taking a “first-loss” position in SME-backedsecurities. There has been a lot of talk about this sort of thing, but too little action.
  The second cure involves lifting the cloud of suspicion over European banks. The ECB willundertake an “asset-quality review” before it takes up the role of euro-zone bankingsupervisor next year. Previous stress tests by national supervisors were not tough enough—andconvinced nobody. The asset-quality review is the ECB’s first and best chance to establishits credibility. Banks that fall short must be recapitalised—by raising fresh equity fromprivate investors, by bailing in creditors and, in some cases, by bringing in public money.
  That raises the familiar spectre of the Spanish and Italian governments worsening their ownfinances by borrowing to prop up domestic lenders. That is a reminder of the importance of thethird cure: a proper banking union, supervised by the ECB, with a common resolution fund(proposed this week by the European Commission) and a joint deposit-guarantee scheme. The eurozone will not work without a banking union. Here Germany is the block: it hints that it mightconsider taking on such mutual obligations in the future, but not now. The problem is that nowis when the banks are half-dead. Waiting for zombies to come back to life is a fool’s game.