

Just days after Iran and the P5+1 group of nations reached an initial accord which halts progress on Iran’s nuclear program, the United States called on Iran to help  find a U.S. citizen who disappeared in Iran more than six years ago, and to release two U.S. citizens who have been imprisoned by Iranian authorities.


Robert Levinson is a retired FBI agent and private investigator who went missing during a business trip to Iran’s Kish Island in March 2007. Three years ago, a video  was sent to his family from an unidentified source, in which Mr. Levinson pled for his release.


Iranian officials have promised the Levinson family to investigate his disappearance.


In a statement, the White House noted that Robert Levinson is now one of the longest held U.S. citizens in history.


“As we approach the upcoming holiday season, we reiterate the commitment of the United States government to locate Mr. Levinson and bring him home safely to his  family, friends, and loved ones,” said the White House. “We welcome the assistance of our international partners in this investigation, and we respectfully ask the  Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to assist us in securing Mr. Levinson’s health, welfare, and safe return.”

“随着假日季节的到来,我们重申美国政府的承诺,即找到莱文森,将他安全带回到家人、朋友和爱人身边。我们欢迎国际伙伴帮助调查此事,我们尊敬地请求伊朗伊斯兰共和国帮助我们确 保莱文森的健康、福利和平安归来。”

At a press briefing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest noted that when President Barack Obama spoke with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani earlier this  fall, he asked for Mr. Rouhani’s assistance in locating Mr. Levinson.


Mr. Earnest said that President Obama also raised the cases of Iranian-American pastor Saeed Abedini, who was arrested on a trip to Iran in 2012 and imprisoned on  charges relating to his religious beliefs; and Iranian-American ex-Marine Amir Hekmati, who was detained in Iran in 2011 while on a visit to his grandmother, and  falsely charged with espionage. He was sentenced to death; and although that sentence has been overturned and a retrial ordered, Mr. Hekmati remains behind bars and  his case remains in limbo and his status uncertain.

厄尼思特说,总统奥巴马还提到伊朗裔美国牧师扎伊尔德?阿贝迪尼,他2012年在伊朗旅行时被捕,被控与宗教信仰有关的罪名被遭囚禁;以及伊朗裔美国前海军陆战队队员赫克迈堤,他2011 年在看望祖母时被囚禁伊朗,被错误地指控为间谍罪。他被判死刑,尽管这一罪名后被推翻并下令复审,赫克迈堤仍在狱中,他的案子仍悬而未决,他的状态还不确定。

In an interview on CNN which included discussion of the recent accord in Geneva, as well as the three U.S. citizens missing or detained in Iran, U.S. Deputy National  Security Advisor Tony Blinken noted that during the negotiations in Geneva, ”The only subject on the agenda [was] the nuclear file.” But, he said, “We have been  repeatedly clear that we are calling on Iran to release them. We will continue to raise it. And we hope to see them return home.”

在CNN的采访中谈到最近日内瓦协议以及三名在伊朗失踪或囚禁的美国公民时,美国副国家安全顾问布林肯说,在日内瓦协商期间,“唯一的议程是核问题,我们已多次明确呼吁伊朗释放他们 ,我们还会继续提这个问题,希望能看到他们回家。”
