澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-03-19(在线收听

A key independent has told labor it is time to end the leadership speculation, once and for all. Tony Windsor says labor risks losing his support if it doesn't settle the issue. Meanwhile the foreign minister Bob Carl has strongly dismissed reports that he had lost confidence in the prime minister. And another independent says the government should now scrap its media reform and start all over again. Rob Oakeshott says he won't vote any of the six bills. The communication's minister Stephen Conroy isn't giving up though. He says he'll keep trying to convince crossbencher MPs to back his contentious changes.
And after much wrangling, Britain's politicians have agreed to their own media reforms. The country's three major parties have reached a deal to set up a new regulatory system. Under the pen, a new watchdog will be able to oppose heavy fines on newspapers and force them to publish prominent apologies.
A man faces court in Melbourne this morning charged with murdering his father and uncle at a remote farm in central Victoria. The body of Douglas and John Streeter were discovered on Thursday. Police arrested Ross Street on Saturday. He was charged in an out of court hearing last night.

And a controversial bank bail out in Cyprus has sparked angry protests outside that country's parliament. Politicians have again postponed a vote on the deal to slug bank accounts on the 10% levy. The crisis has unsettled world markets and closed that country's banks. 
