澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-03-29(在线收听

 A 19-year-old woman is fighting for her life after a wall collapsed in inner Melbourne, killing two people. She suffered critical head injuries and has undergone an emergency surgery. She remains in a critical condition.

South Africa former leader Nelson Mandela has been readmitted to hospital with a lung infection. It's the fourth time the 94-year-old  has been admitted to hospital in the past two years. The South African government spokesman says Mr Mandela is responding positively to the treatment.
Banks in Cyprus have reopened under armed guard after being closed for nearly two weeks. The banks were closed while eurozone leaders held crisis talks to secure a bailout deal. Restrictions on cash withdrawals and money transfers will remain in place for another month.
A South African court has ruled that sprinter Oscar Pistorius is not a flight risk and can travel overseas. The paralympic and Olympic athlete is charged with murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius' legal team challenged with several of his bail conditions, saying that they were unfair and unwarranted.
And a Victorian jury has found a former drug squad detective not guilty of lying about his dealings with slain crime boss Carl Williams. Paul Dale was accused of having a secret and a corrupt relationship with Williams at the height of Melbourne's gangland wars. He has now been acquitted of all twelve counts of giving false evidence.