澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-05(在线收听

 A senior government adviser on asylum seekers is demanding the removal of children from Manus Island's processing centre. Refugee advocate Pairs Aristotle was part of the panel of experts who recommended the return to offshore processing. He says the panel was explicit that safeguards be put in place to protect asylum seekers, but he says that's simply not happening.

The man accused of murdering Jill Meagher will appear in court again today, two weeks ahead of schedule. Adrian Bayley will be required to enter pleas to charges he raped and murdered the 29-year-old ABC staffer last year.
A British man has been jailed for life for killing six of his children by setting fire to the family home. Mick Philpott had planned to rescue the children and blamed the fire on a former girlfriend, but the revenge plot went tragically wrong. Philpott's wife and a family friend have been sentenced to 17 years in jail for conspiring with him.
Australia will lobby China to put more pressure on North Korea to end the current standoff. The Prime Minister Julia Gillard leaves today to head a diplomatic mission to China. Developing stronger economic ties is very high on the agenda.
And guests attending a dinner of high-profile business  and community leaders have had to run a gauntlet of protestors in Melbourne. About 100 demonstrators clashed with police, but there were no arrests.Inside,  media baron Rupert Murdoch addressed the 70th anniversary dinner of the conservative think tank--the Institute of Public Affairs.