澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-06(在线收听

 A large high is directing moist winds and showers onto the coasts of NSW and Queensland. Troughes over southern parts of WA and central Australia are generating storms and showers.

Looking around the country.
In Queensland, there'll be storms in the far north and southwest of the state.
Showers are forecast for the southeast, and there'll be patchy rain in central parts.
It'll be mostly sunny and warm in the west of NSW today, eastern and northern parts of the state can expect showers and storms.
In Victoria, there'll be early fog over central and eastern districts, conditions will be mild and sunny elsewhere.
In Tasmania, it will be cool and fine in land, the north and upper east will get isolated showers.
Isolated showers and storms are also forecast for the northeast and Flinders districts of South Australia, fine elsewhere.
In W.A., there'll showers and thunderstorms in the southwest.
The Kimberley region can also expected showers and storms and there are similar conditions in the northern parts of the territory.
Looking ahead to tomorrow, and a shower or two for Sydney and Brisbane. Mostly sunny in Melbourne and Perth. Partly couldy in Adelaide, a late shower for Hobart and Darwin and a possible shower in Canberra.