澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-11(在线收听

 South Korea says there is a very high probability now that the North could fire a medium-range missile at any time. South Korea and U.S. forces have raised their alert level to vital threat status. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and NATO's chief commander are due to visit South Korea tomorrow. But first John Kerry is in London when North Korea will be high on the agenda at the Group of Eight meeting. Foreign ministers from the U.S, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia are holding two days of talks. Britain's foreign minister William Hague has played down the latest threat.

The final report on the viability of a highspeed rail line for the east coast will be released today, the report estimates that it would cost 114 billion dollars and 40 years to complete. If it was built, 84 million passengers a year could travel between Melbourne and Brisbane.
Police are investigating the death of a man who was found wrapped in a sheet in Sydney's southwest. The body was found on Antwerp street in Bankstown at about 11:30. A crime scene has been set up and police are treating the death as suspicious.
Queensland police are investigating a drive-by shooting on the Gold Coast last night. Three teenagers were sitting in the garage of a home in Benowa when shots were fired through the door. Two of them were injured, but not seriously, detectives have interviewed the teenagers and neighbours there.