澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-14(在线收听

 Portugal and Ireland are to be granted an extra 7 years to pay back their emergency bailout loans. European Union and the IMF bailed out the Republic of Ireland in 2010 and Portugal in 2011. The 17-member-group that uses the euro currency agreed to the terms at a meeting of finance ministers in Dublin. The plan would give Ireland and Portugal more time to recover after their bailout loans run out. Ireland's bailout money is due to end late this year. Portugal's will run out in 2014.

The Australian Tax Office has formally withdrawn from court proceedings against the company owned by mining magnate Nathan Tinkler. The ATO was trying to retrieve more than 600,000 dollars from the Buildev Group in which Nathan Tinkler is a major shareholder, plus some with other companies. The Federal Court has now heard Nathan Tinkler's company, Buildev, has paid its debt to the Tax Office so that debt has been dismissed.
Let's have a look at how the international markets finish the trading week. And we can see the FTSE was down around half a percent. The Dax in Germany down an even greater margin. And across the Atlantic, the Dow was flat and minor falls on the S&P 500. And the Nasdaq...