澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-18(在线收听

 Boston police investigating the marathon bombings have canceled a media conference due to be held about now. It's the latest twist of a number of developments overnight. It's believed the suspect has been identified on security camera footage taken in front of a department store.

President Barack Obama's campaign to curb gun violence has been dealt as severe blow as the Virginia mentioned. The U.S. Senate has just rejected a plan to increase background checks on peopele who buy firearms. The proposal was just six votes short to the hurdle needed to clear the Senate. Other measures including a ban on rapid fire assault weapons are also now expected to fail, that's despite emotional pleas from the families of the Newtown massacre victims who took their campaign all the way to Washington.
New Zealand has become the first Asia Pacific country to legalize same sex marriage. An amendament to the "1955 Marriage Act" has been overwhelmingly approved, 77 votes to 44. Hundreds of gay rights advocates celebrated outside parliament, calling it a milestone for equality.
Britain has been farewelled to its Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher. More than 2,000 guests led by the Queen have attended a service at St Paul's Cathedral in London. At her personal request, there were no eulogies, just a short tribute from the Bishop of London. Earlier the funeral procession passed by downing street, her home as prime minister for 11 years.