澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-22(在线收听

 If a low pressure trough is triggering rain across parts of Victoria and NSW, it will cause of thunderstorms over areas of the interior as well. A cold front will bring a cool change to the southeast and another is clipping western Australia's southwest, also causing showers.

But today, despite areas of cloud over southern Queensland, very little if any rain at all, elsewhere, mostly fine, with above average temperatures in the northwest of the state.
NSW, partly cloudy, but mostly fine in the northwest, patchy rain across the south and east, mainly about the southern ranges and western slopes this morning.
Victoria, mostly fine in the far northwest and east, otherwise, rain across the rest of the state. The cold front late today will bring a colder southwesterly change to the southwest.
Tasmania, fine in the southeast, morning showers across the rest of the state, showers will develop again this evening along the front with fresh winds above the coast.
South Australia, isolated showers increasing along the southern coast and ranges from this afternoon, possible thundery conditions closer to the northern border.
In Western Australia, patchy rain along the west and south coast, at top of 23 in Perth. Afternoon showers and storms for parts of the Kimberley, but mostly fine across the territory apart from redeveloping showers about the northeast coast.
Tomorrow morning showers in Hobart and Perth, 24 degres, and at top of 35 and sunny in Broome.