澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-04-30(在线收听

 The federal government could introduce a medicare-style levy to fund its national disability insurance scheme. The prime minister had previously ruled out a levy, but the ABC understands this is back on the table. Julia Gillard has foreshadowed tax increases and spending cuts to plug a twelve-billion dollar revenue hole in next month's budget.

Australia's five biggest airports are failing their customers accroding to a new report out today. The report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission found service across the board has fallen since last year. It says congestion is becoming a big problem, as passenger numbers increase, and will only get worse if there is not more investment in infrastructure.
Police are investigating after a Sydney home were shot at overnight. Police found bullet holes in the fence and the door of the Kingsgrove house in the city's west. Bullet holes were also found in cars parked in front of the house.
The Immigration Department is defending the adequacy of medical facilities at Australia's offshore detention centers. The department insists facilities are comfortable to Australian standards, but former medical staff have told the ABC that the medical treatment available at the centers is grossly inadequate.
Syria's prime minister has survived an assassination attempt in Damascus. What appears to be a remotely detonated car bomb exploded as Wael al-Halqui's convoy pass through, a normally well-secured part of the capital. The powerful blast is believed to have killed his body guard and also injured several other people.