澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-05-03(在线收听

 Australia's defence spending will be under the spotlight today as the government prepares for a very difficult federal budget. The release of the defence white paper is expected to lay the ground work for further delays. But the Defence Minister Stephen Smith says he won't allow Australia's defence capability to be compromised.

Sydney police are questioning a man over a fire at a King's Cross Strip Club. Seventeen people were evacuated from the club and nearby residences in Darlinghurst road. No one was injured.
The federal Climate Change Minister Greg Combet will today face questioning by the New South Wales corruption watchdog. He's expected to be asked about a letter of support he wrote for a controversial mine in the Hunter Valley. The licence for the Doyles Creek mine was given to former union official John Maitland without a tender.
More than a week after the Bangladesh clothing factory collapse, relatives are still searching for victims in the rubble. The death toll has risen to 430. About 2,500 people, though, have been rescued. Many remained unaccounted for.
In the US, a two-year-old girl has become the second child in a week to be shot dead by a sibling. Caroline Starks died at the hands of her five-year-old brother who was playing with a rifle designed for children. The accident happened in rural Kentucky. It follows a similar incident in Alaska where a little girl was shot and killed by her eight-year-old brother.