澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-05-18(在线收听

 We've got some further cloudy and cool conditions across many parts of southern Austraila, but by the time and move up into New South Wales, South Australia and southern Queensland. It's clear skies and easing winds going to produce fairly widespread morning frosts, not only on Saturday but also Sunday.

We've got a series of very weak front moving through the south that'll trigger the cloud and showers, it's still quite unsettled.
Up across the northern parts of the continent, and for Queensland, that's where we likely to see the showers. Through the tropical areas, potential a little bit of patchy rain developing about Mount Isa later, but mostly areas through the south should be clear, dry and sunny after morning frost.
For New South Wales, mostly clear, dry and sunny morning cross anywhere away from the very coastal fringe. It's a very cold start, the day there should be mild through the afternoon.
We've got mostly clear conditions north of the ranges in Victoria, some morning frosts, just a little bit showers or drizzle activity on and south of the ranges, but more likely near the coast.
It'll have some showers about the west and south of Tasmania, they'll push into the southeast then spread through the central areas as we head into the day. And temperatures remaining relatively cold.
We've got a few isolated showers about the southeast coast of South Australia, mostly dry elsewhere. We could see some frosts about the east of the state.
Now another very weak front is set to click the southwest lighting the day, so a few showers'll rain the southern coast and the southwest corner. Some thunderstorms developing about the southwest inland as well, some patchy rain up around the far north and also some isolated showers around the north of the territory.