澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-05-19(在线收听

 The prime minister of Greece has been in meetings with China to seek investment and trade deals to help revive the Greek economy. Antonis Samaras met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, hoping to double two-A trade by 2015 and boost cultural exchanges. Greece needs more foreign investors to buy state assets that it’s selling as demanded by its EU bailout deal.

A leaving US congressman who’s cheering a hearing into a major tax scandal has called for a radical reform of the US tax system. The Republican Congressman Dave Camp made the comments during hearings into why the country’s internal revenue service apparently targeted conservative political groups for extra scrutiny.

Currency analysts say renewed confidence in US economic recovery is combining with worries about Australia’s economic outlook to push the local currency down against the greenback. The Australian dollar has lost around six cents in just a fortnight to take the local currency to an eleven-month low yesterday. Economists say the dollar has finally been hit by falling commodity prices.