澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-05-22(在线收听

 Technology giant Apple has been defending itself against accusations that it's been avoiding tax. The US Senate report found the company has avoided paying tens of billions of dollars in tax by spreading its accounts over a complex network of  subsidiaries. Apple's Chief Executive Tim Cook has strenuously denied the claims during a Senate committee hearing.

"We pay all the taxes we owe, every single dollar. We not only comply with the laws, but we comply with the spirit of the laws. We don't depend on tax gimmicks. We don't move in a electoral property offshore and use it to sell our products  back to the United States to avoid taxes. We don't stash money on some Caribbean island.“
Tim Cook there .
Let's go to the markets and the Dow was 52 points up when it closed. The Nasdaq is six up. The S&P 500 is three up and in London overnight, the FTSE closed 48 points up . 
To commodity prices.
West Texas Crude is trading at 96 US dollars a barrel. Tapis Crude is at 109 US dollars a barrel and gold is at 1376 US dollars an ounce .
The Australian dollar is buying 98 US cents, 76 Euro cents and 65 pence sterling.