每日商务英语 第108期:高额离职费(在线收听

 golden handshake 高额离职费

英文释义 An agreement, often written into a contract, bywhich a high-ranking executive receives a largeamount of cash, stock or other benefits uponleaving employment by a company regardless ofeither the financial condition of the company or theperformance of the executive.
例句 XYZ Corporation invited the famous executive to join them as a new Senior Vice President, butshe insisted adamantly that a golden handshake be written into their invitation promisingher a large package of both stock and cash if she left them for any reason.某公司邀请这位著名高管加盟,担任高级副总裁,但她坚决要求聘用合同写入高额离职费,承诺无论她以何种理由离开,都能拿到大笔的股票和现金。