
   052 What sort of belt are you looking for?

  Conversation 1
  What sort of belt are you looking for?
  I'd like a narrow black belt to go with a new pants I just bought.
  Conversation 2
  What do you think they're would like for his birthday?
  Why don't you get him a belt with the fancy belt buckle?
  Conversation 3
  Does this silk scarf match my dress?
  Bring it over here into the light more.
  Does it seem to be the same shade of blue?
  Yes, I think it will look fine with you dress.
  buckle n. 皮带扣,带扣 vi. 扣住
  match n. 竞赛;匹配;对手;火柴 vi. 比赛;匹配;相称