

FAO: Animal to Human Disease More Likely 粮农组织警告动物来源疾病的传播

About 70 percent of the new diseases that have infected humans in recent decades have come from animals. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization warns it’s getting  easier for diseases to make that jump as the population and food-supply chains grow.


The FAO has released a new reported called World Livestock 2013: Changing Disease Landscapes. It says those landscapes have become “vastly more complicated” by human  activity.


“I think that if we continue the state of play, we’ll only see more diseases emerge – more natural resources disappear – and more threats to the human health into  the food chain,” said Juan Lubroth, the agency’s Chief Veterinary Officer.


He described conditions as the “perfect microbial storm.”


“We have certain issues such as climate change, particularly humidity and tropical weathers. We have increased globalization, more traffic across the world. People  traveling more, more trade. We are encroaching into habitats that previously we as humans did not really know those ecological niches were occupied by other species.  But we are invading them.”

“我们面临着气候变化等问题,尤其是潮湿和热带天气。世界越来越全球化,全世界的车辆增多。人们旅行得多了,做更多生意。我们侵入一些栖息地,作为人类我们之前并不知道这些生态 区位是被其他物种占据的,但我们却在侵犯它们。”

He said inadequate healthcare systems and sanitation infrastructure raise the risk of disease in poor areas. And as population grows, livestock production intensifies,  which has its own set of risk factors.


“As we intensify livestock production, we have created, let’s say, a monoculture. By using antibiotics, for example, as growth promoters or antibiotics without the  supervision of qualified personnel, we do allow for disease resistant organisms to go throughout the herd or throughout the community. And this can, at the end, affect  human health,” he said.

“随着我们增加牲畜产量,我们也创造了单一栽培。比如使用抗生素来促进生长,或者在缺少有资格人员的监督下使用抗生素,这样具有抗疾病能力的有机物就进入牲畜或整个社区,这样就 影响了人类健康。”

Lubroth gave some examples of diseases that have jumped from animals to humans.


“The origin of the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, which causes AIDS, probably had its precursor in something that we know today to be simian or monkey  immunodeficiency virus. And then even more recently, we have the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which is caused by a corona virus, which likely has an animal  origin. We are at the point in research, which we still are trying to find out what origin that is.”

“导致艾滋病的人体免疫缺损病毒的前身可能是我们今天所知的猴免疫缺陷病毒,近年来出现的中东呼吸综合症是由可能来自动物的冠状病毒引发的。我们正在研究中,仍在努力找到其来源 。”

Other diseases that have emerged from animals over the last five to ten years, he says, include the Nipah and Hendra viruses. These are usually found in bats.


“Probably more familiar to your readers or listeners will be the H5N1avian influenza, which in 2003 spread in Southeast Asia. And by 2006 was present in over 60  countries and territories,” he said.


The Food and Agriculture Organization is calling for a holistic approach to meet the growing disease threat. This involves scientists, researchers and doctors and  others from many disciplines working together and sharing information.


The report said the holistic approach includes reducing poverty, addressing biological threats posed by globalization and climate change and better safety and health  measures in livestock production.


The FAO Chief Veterinary Officer is promoting – what he called – tackling the disease at source.  He said that means snuffing out a potential outbreak at a  particular location, village or town before it can spread.

