

  在Issue部分,你将会遇到涉及法律、教育、经济、行为学、传媒、国际化、艺术、政治等11大类别的243个庞大话题,而GRE要求的并不是简单的“agree or disagree”,而是你能对这些话题提出有深度的、有足够支持的分析和讨论,最重要的是,你必须有自己的观点和看法,并且有相应的合适例子来说明。这里的例子最好是国际性的、西方的例子,因为GRE作文的阅卷人都是美国人,而我们大部分童鞋们熟悉的都是国内的例子。
  这里就存在一个”knowledge gap”,如果你用慈禧的例子来说明独裁的危害、用秦桧的例子来说明民族忠诚度、用八大山人的例子来说明伟大艺术家不被当时的时代所认可,那么美国阅卷人一定会很窘,因为这些人他都不认识,而你会很杯具,因为他会觉得你的观点没有说服力。所以,为了你的Issue,请扩大阅读面,扩大知识量吧,最好能把西方社会文明各个方面的奠基著作的核心观点大概浏览一遍,这样你才能做好充分的准备,才能提出自己的观点和看法。
  It is unfortunate but true that political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people's lives.
  Human beings are social animal and therefore highly dependent on political activities.While the word unfortunate is not always applicable in all circumstances, we have to admit that political decisions and activities affect our lives in all aspects.
  One should notice and avoid misinterpretation of the term "all" in this viewpoint, as it does not equal going to extreme but merely indicates what is going on. Those who misunderstand often argue that their fundamental right to decide when to sleep, what to eat, where to go on their own will has always been left to themselves and has nothing to do with what the president had said or signed. Yet this is not the case at all.The moment when we enjoy our sweet dream while jobless people are picking waste bottles on the street, when we choose cabbage to be our daily recipe only because we can not afford high beef consumption, when we are forced not to travel during the SARS outbreak, political decisions are pulling us around. Personal rights sometimes give way to political decisions no matter voluntarily or unwillingly. Needless to say, political decisions become much more influential when it comes to other issues.Everyday we are directed in an invisible yet powerful way, so powerful that in no aspect of our lives can we evade.
  It is no surprise that political decisions affects us so badly. This is determined by its nature. From tribes to empires to federal governments, there are always governers and the masses. Once you have a nationality, you are ruled under a certain group of people, and common sense tells the situation is much worse for those without nationality. So, we are destined to bear the consequence brought by political decisions.Especially when the Japanese city Hiroshima was destroyed by atomic bomb, or when the German city Berlin was split into two, people learn that political decisions are responsible for these humanitarian disasters.
  Fortunately, such consequence is not always so disappointing. More often we benefit from political decisions. After all, government sets up the mansion of society.Education, medical care, legislation and countless others we took for granted enable us to develop. And frequent international collaboration nowadays is a sign indicating that Hiroshima and Berlin tragedies are much less likely to replay. We owe political activities our gratitude in this case. This trend will never die out yet benefit all human being.
  To conclude, it is fortunate that political decisions and activities do affect our lives in all aspects as long as they function in a positive way. With this presime it is unnecessary to be pessimistic and it is reasonable to expect a better life brought to the masses.