英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-07(在线收听

 Ireland's high court will decide what happens next to a mystery Australian woman. The woman was found wandering the streets of Dublin a month ago and was thought to be the victim of a human trafficking. She's now been identified as a 25-year-old Australian. She will be assessed by a psychiatrist. And there are reports this morning her family is now traveling to Ireland. 

A senior Indonesian politician is calling for anyone caught spying on Indonesia to be thrown out of the country. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has arrived in Bali amid the ongoing spying row. The deputy opposition leader Tanya Plibersek says the minister must smooth out relations while she's there. 
Police have arrested three men after a shooting at Bankstown in Sydney's southwest. Two men presented themselves at Bankstown Hospital early this morning, suffering gunshot wounds. Their car has been found in the hospital car park, peppered with bullets. 
Swiss scientists say tests on the remains of the late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, support the theory that he died of radiation poisoning. They found high levels of the radioactive polonium in Mr Arafat's remains, which were exhumed last year. 
And a second business group says scrapping the carbon tax won't lead to an immediate drop in prices. The Business Council of Australia has joined the Australian Industry Group in warning costs won't fall as much as people expect. But the Treasurer Joe Hockey insists there will be immediate price falls.