英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-14(在线收听

 Both sides of politics have paid tribute to Kevin Rudd after he announced that he is to quit politics. The two-time prime minister's made a tearful farewell to Federal Parliament, saying he wants to spend more time with his family. Mr Rudd's retirement ends a turbulent era for the Labor Party. 

And Prime Minister Tony Abbott has denied Indonesia is calling the shots on asylum seekers. Mr Abbott has refused to comment on the stand-off with Indonesia over his turn back the boats policy. He says he's not interested in a testosterone contest and insists he's not buckling to Indonesia over asylum seekers. 
Melbourne's Catholic Archbishop, Denis Hart, has apologized for the church's treatment of child sex abuse victims. Archbishop Hart has defended his record in the wake of a parliamentary inquiry, which has recommended changes to the state's child protection laws. 
The Philippines government is facing its biggest ever logistical challenge as it struggles to deal with the aftermath of typhoon Haiyan. Aid is slowly beginning to arrive in the worst affected areas. Eight people were crushed to death when a huge crowd stormed a rice warehouse on Layte Island.
And a large fire has seriously damaged a storage facility in Sydney's southwest. The building at Punchbowl was well alight when fire crews arrived at around 3 o'clock this morning. They managed to stop the blaze spreading to a joining building that was feared a person was trapped inside. But everyone has now been accounted for. The cause of the fire is being investigated.